Escape special characters in a Python string


Does Python have a function that I can use to escape special characters in a string?

For example, I'm "stuck" : should become I'm "stuck" :\.

Asked By: Wolfy



Use re.escape

>>> import re
>>> re.escape(r' a.*$')
'\\\ a\.\*\$'
>>> print(re.escape(r' a.*$'))
\ a.*$
>>> re.escape('')
>>> print(re.escape(''))

Repeating it here:


Return string with all non-alphanumerics backslashed; this is useful if you want to match an arbitrary literal string that may have regular expression metacharacters in it.

As of Python 3.7 re.escape() was changed to escape only characters which are meaningful to regex operations.

Answered By: pyfunc

Note: This answer was written in response to the original question which was written in a way that it asked for a generic “function which can [be used] to escape special characters”, without specifying that these would be used for regular expressions, and without further specifying what special characters would have to be escaped.

In order to escape an arbitrary set of “special characters”, you can write a custom function that replaces each of these characters with an escaped variant. Something like this:

def escapeSpecialCharacters ( text, characters ):
    for character in characters:
        text = text.replace( character, '\' + character )
    return text

>>> escapeSpecialCharacters( 'I'm "stuck" :\', ''"' )
'I\'m \"stuck\" :\'
>>> print( _ )
I'm "stuck" :
Answered By: poke

Use repr()[1:-1]. In this case, the double quotes don’t need to be escaped. The [-1:1] slice is to remove the single quote from the beginning and the end.

>>> x = raw_input()
I'm "stuck" :
>>> print x
I'm "stuck" :
>>> print repr(x)[1:-1]
I'm "stuck" :\

Or maybe you just want to escape a phrase to paste into your program? If so, do this:

>>> raw_input()
I'm "stuck" :
'I'm "stuck" :\'
Answered By: dp_

I’m surprised no one has mentioned using regular expressions via re.sub():

import re
print re.sub(r'(["])',    r'\1', 'it's "this"')  # it's "this"
print re.sub(r"(['])",    r'\1', 'it's "this"')  # it's "this"
print re.sub(r'([" '])', r'\1', 'it's "this"')  # it's "this"

Important things to note:

  • In the search pattern, include as well as the character(s) you’re looking for.
    You’re going to be using to escape your characters, so you need to escape
    that as well.
  • Put parentheses around the search pattern, e.g. (["]), so that the substitution
    pattern can use the found character when it adds in front of it. (That’s what
    1 does: uses the value of the first parenthesized group.)
  • The r in front of r'(["])' means it’s a raw string. Raw strings use different
    rules for escaping backslashes. To write (["]) as a plain string, you’d need to
    double all the backslashes and write '([\"])'. Raw strings are friendlier when
    you’re writing regular expressions.
  • In the substitution pattern, you need to escape to distinguish it from a
    backslash that precedes a substitution group, e.g. 1, hence r'\1'. To write
    that as a plain string, you’d need '\\\1' — and nobody wants that.
Answered By: Tim Ruddick

As it was mentioned above, the answer depends on your case. If you want to escape a string for a regular expression then you should use re.escape(). But if you want to escape a specific set of characters then use this lambda function:

>>> escape = lambda s, escapechar, specialchars: "".join(escapechar + c if c in specialchars or c == escapechar else c for c in s)
>>> s = raw_input()
I'm "stuck" :
>>> print s
I'm "stuck" :
>>> print escape(s, "\", ['"'])
I'm "stuck" :\
Answered By: spatar

If you only want to replace some characters you could use this:

import re

print re.sub(r'([.\+*?[^]$(){}!<>|:-])', r'\1', "example string.")
Answered By: Christoph Roeder

use json:

import json
print(r"""(I'm "stuck" :)""")               # (I'm "stuck" :)
print(json.dumps(r"""(I'm "stuck" :)"""))   # (I'm "stuck" :)

for json to string with escape character

Answered By: lbsweek
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