How to check the status of docker-compose up -d command


When we run docker-compose up-d command to run dockers using docker-compose.yml file, it starts building images or pulling images from the registry. We can see each and every step of this command on the terminal.

I am trying to run this command from a python script. The command starts successfully but after the command, I do not have any idea of how much the process has been completed. Is there any way I can monitor the status of docker-compose up -d command so that script can let the user (who is using the script) know how much the process has completed or if the docker-compose command has failed due to some reasons.?



from pexpect import pxssh

session = pxssh.pxssh()
if not session.login(ip_address,<USERNAME>, <PASSWORD>):
    print("SSH session failed on login")
    print("SSH session login successfull")
    session.sendline("sudo docker-compose up -d")
    resp = session.before
Asked By: S Andrew



You can view docker compose logs with following ways

  1. Use docker compose up -d to start all services in detached mode (-d)
    (you won’t see any logs in detached mode)
  2. Use docker compose logs -f -t to attach yourself to the logs of all
    running services, whereas -f means you follow the log output and the
    -t option gives you nice timestamps (Docs)


EDIT: Docker Compose is now available as part of the core Docker CLI. docker-compose is still supported for now but most documentation I have seen now refers to docker compose as standard. See for more.

Answered By: Muhammad Hassan

What I do to debug small issues is to run:

docker-compose up {service_name} 

This way I get to see the output for an individual service. If the service has a dependency you can always start multiple services like so:

docker-compose up {service_name1} {service_name2}

Additionally I use:

docker-compose logs -f -t {service_name1}

To see the logs of an already running service or alternatively:

docker logs -t -f {container_name}

Notice that the command above needs the container name and not the service name

This way you can make sure service by service that everything works as expected and then you can launch them all in detached mode as suggested in the other answers

Answered By: lloiacono

I think should use the command docker-compose top, could check the result, It shoul not be empty when the container is running.
If the containers is stop or exit or Create, it should return empty

Answered By: 张馆长

If you need a programmatic way with bash, this is the fastest implementation:

  • sleep 2 seconds
  • check the container was up several seconds ago => Means you’ve just successfully deployed it

docker ps will look like:

a6f088b1567e   lc_fe_isr-app   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 seconds ago   Up 2 seconds>3000/tcp   lc_fe_isr-app-1

# Check if the a single container was started successfully
sleep 2
docker ps | grep $CONTAINER_NAME
UP_SECONDS_AGO=`docker ps | grep $CONTAINER_NAME | grep ' seconds'`

if [ -n "$UP_SECONDS_AGO" ]
    echo "Deploy successfully"
    echo "Deploy FAILED"
    exit 1
Answered By: Neo.Mxn0