
How to print output of pexpect consisting 'r' in next line of the terminal?

How to print output of pexpect consisting 'r' in next line of the terminal? Question: I have the follwoing code snippet from a pexpect script import pexpect import time username=<username> password=<password> child = pexpect.spawn(‘ssh <username>@’,timeout=40) child.expect([‘MyUbuntu’,’$’,’#’]) child.sendline(<password>) child.expect([‘MyUbuntu’,’$’,’#’]) time.sleep(2) child.sendline(‘execute ping’) child.expect([‘MyUbuntu’,’$’,’#’]) k=child.before k=k.splitline for line in k: print(line) However it gives me an …

Total answers: 1

Python pexpect logfile option works correctly in Jupyter Lab but not in python script

Python pexpect logfile option works correctly in Jupyter Lab but not in python script Question: Environment: OS: macOS Monterey Python: 3.9.7 Jipyterlab: 3.0.14 Code: import pexpect import sys from getpass import getpass selection = ‘0’ mypass = getpass(‘Enter your NT/AD user password: ‘) child = pexpect.spawn (‘adfs_auth –profile 123456789012′) child.expect (r’Enter your password:(.*?)’) child.sendline (mypass) …

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How to check the status of docker-compose up -d command

How to check the status of docker-compose up -d command Question: When we run docker-compose up-d command to run dockers using docker-compose.yml file, it starts building images or pulling images from the registry. We can see each and every step of this command on the terminal. I am trying to run this command from a …

Total answers: 4

python pexpect sendcontrol key characters

python pexpect sendcontrol key characters Question: I am working with pythons pexpect module to automate tasks, I need help in figuring out key characters to use with sendcontrol. how could one send the controlkey ENTER ? and for future reference how can we find the key characters? here is the code i am working on. …

Total answers: 2

python libraries for ssh handling

python libraries for ssh handling Question: I’m going to write first code for handling ssh commands on python and I did search over the stackoverflow and can see that there are several python libraries that can be used for handling commands passed through ssh, like paramiko, pexpect and perhaps some others. Particularly, I will need …

Total answers: 4