Use pathlib for S3 paths


I would like to build some functionality to move files between S3 and my local file system, but pathlib appears to combine repeated slashes, breaking my aws-cli functionality:

>>> from pathlib import Path

>>> str(Path('s3://loc'))

How can I manipulate S3 paths in this way?

Asked By: beardc



No. pathlib is for filesystem paths (i.e., paths to files on your computer), while S3 paths are URIs.

Answered By: jwodder

You can try combining urllib.parse with pathlib.

from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
from pathlib import PosixPath

s3_url = urlparse('s3://bucket/key')
s3_path = PosixPath(s3_url.path)
s3_path /= 'hello'
s3_new_url = urlunparse((s3_url.scheme, s3_url.netloc, s3_path.as_posix(), s3_url.params, s3_url.query, s3_url.fragment))

It’s quite cumbersome, but it’s what you asked for.

Answered By: kichik

Using s3path package

The s3path package makes working with S3 paths a little less painful. It is installable from PyPI or conda-forge. Use the S3Path class for actual objects in S3 and otherwise use PureS3Path which shouldn’t actually access S3.

Although the previous answer by metaperture did mention this package, it didn’t include the URI syntax.

Also be aware that this package has certain deficiencies which are reported in its issues.

>>> from s3path import PureS3Path

>>> PureS3Path.from_uri('s3://mybucket/foo/bar') / 'add/me'

>>> _.as_uri()

Note the instance relationships to pathlib:

>>> from pathlib import Path, PurePath
>>> from s3path import S3Path, PureS3Path

>>> isinstance(S3Path('/my-bucket/some/prefix'), Path)
>>> isinstance(PureS3Path('/my-bucket/some/prefix'), PurePath)

Using pathlib.Path

This is a lazier version of the answer by kichik using only pathlib. This approach is not necessarily recommended. It’s just not always entirely necessary to use urllib.parse.

>>> from pathlib import Path

>>> orig_s3_path = 's3://mybucket/foo/bar'
>>> orig_path = Path(*Path(orig_s3_path).parts[1:])
>>> orig_path

>>> new_path = orig_path / 'add/me'
>>> new_s3_path = 's3://' + str(new_path)
>>> new_s3_path

Using os.path.join

For simple joins only, how about os.path.join?

>>> import os

>>> os.path.join('s3://mybucket/foo/bar', 'add/me')
>>> os.path.join('s3://mybucket/foo/bar/', 'add/me')

Windows users can apply .replace(os.sep, '/') for platform safety.

os.path.normpath cannot however be naively used:

>>> os.path.normpath('s3://mybucket/foo/bar')  # Converts 's3://' to 's3:/'
Answered By: Asclepius

Here’s a module that subclasses pathlib.Path for s3 paths:


>>> from s3path import S3Path

>>> bucket_path = S3Path('/pypi-proxy/')
>>> [path for path in bucket_path.iterdir() if path.is_dir()]

>>> boto3_package_path = S3Path('/pypi-proxy/boto3/boto3-1.4.1.tar.gz')
>>> boto3_package_path.exists()
>>> boto3_package_path.is_dir()
>>> boto3_package_path.is_file()

>>> botocore_index_path = S3Path('/pypi-proxy/botocore/index.html')
>>> with as f:
>>>     print(
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Package Index</title>
    <a href="botocore-1.4.93.tar.gz">botocore-1.4.93.tar.gz</a><br>
Answered By: metaperture

It’s useful and simple to extend the str class to handle this

class URL(str):
  def __truediv__(self, val):
    return URL(self + '/' + val)

an example usage would be URL('s3://mybucket') / 'test' &rightarrow; "s3://mybucket/test"

Answered By: Alter

Using cloudpathlib

Wanted to add this as another option that has nice caching and transparent read/write access in addition the the standard path manipulations.

The cloupathlib package provides pathlib methods support for S3 paths in addition to Google Cloud Storage and Azure Blob Storage.

For example:

from cloudpathlib import CloudPath
from itertools import islice

ladi = CloudPath("s3://ladi/Images/FEMA_CAP/2020/70349")

#> S3Path('s3://ladi/Images/FEMA_CAP/2020')

#> 'ladi'

# list first 5 images for this incident
for p in islice(ladi.iterdir(), 5):
#> s3://ladi/Images/FEMA_CAP/2020/70349/DSC_0001_5a63d42e-27c6-448a-84f1-bfc632125b8e.jpg
#> s3://ladi/Images/FEMA_CAP/2020/70349/DSC_0002_a89f1b79-786f-4dac-9dcc-609fb1a977b1.jpg
#> s3://ladi/Images/FEMA_CAP/2020/70349/DSC_0003_02c30af6-911e-4e01-8c24-7644da2b8672.jpg
#> s3://ladi/Images/FEMA_CAP/2020/70349/DSC_0004_d37c02b9-01a8-4672-b06f-2690d70e5e6b.jpg
#> s3://ladi/Images/FEMA_CAP/2020/70349/DSC_0005_d05609ce-1c45-4de3-b0f1-401c2bb3412c.jpg
Answered By: hume

Pathy is pretty great for this:

It uses Smart open under the hood to provide file access to bucket storage, and so is better than s3path for this reason.

You can use Pathy.fluid to make apis that work on both local files and files in bucket storage

from pathlib import BasePath
from pathy import Pathy, FluidPath

def process_f(f: Union[Union[str, Pathy, BasePath]):
    path = Pathy.fluid(f)
    # now you have a Pathlib you can process that's local or in s3/GCS

Answered By: JizoSaves

I agree with @jwodder answer, that pathlib is for fs path only. However, out of curiosity, I played a bit with inheritance from pathlib.Path and received quite a viable solution.

import pathlib

class S3Path(pathlib.PosixPath):
    s3_schema = "s3:/"

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if args[0].startswith(cls.s3_schema):
            args = (args[0].replace(cls.s3_schema, "", 1),) + args[1:]
        return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)

    def __str__(self):
            return self.s3_schema + self._str
        except AttributeError:
            self._str = (
                or "."
            return self.s3_schema + self._str

def test_basic():
    s3_path_str: str = "s3://some/location"
    s3_path = S3Path(s3_path_str)
    assert str(s3_path) == s3_path_str

    s3_path_1 = s3_path / "here"
    assert str(s3_path_1) == s3_path_str + "/here"

    assert s3_path.parent == S3Path("s3://some")

The advantage of it is that you don’t need any pip install dependency. Plus you could easily adopt it to any other URI like paths, for example hdfs

Answered By: zhukovgreen
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