Python Windows Enum Installed Fonts


I am trying to get a list of installed fonts on Windows machines so that I can then install missing ones. I’m on Py3.*, Windows 7.

Looking through the win API documentation I know that I need to use EnumFontFamiliesExW however I’m not sure what the correct syntax is with ctypes in python… I’m totally new to the ctypes module, and don’t know a lot about C. The python documentation for ctypes is extremely hard for me to grasp, so sorry if I’m not able to find this answer there (I did indeed look).

I got as far as the following:

gdi32 = ctypes.WinDLL('gdi32')

Which of course throws an error because I am not specifying any arguments. So how do I pass the correct arguments?

Asked By: Spencer



pywin32 extension provides an easier option. Use import win32gui, import win32api, …

import win32gui

def callback(font, tm, fonttype, names):
    return True

font_names = []
hdc = win32gui.GetDC(None)
win32gui.EnumFontFamilies(hdc, None, callback, font_names)
win32gui.ReleaseDC(hdc, None)

With ctype you have to know C and WinAPI. Here is an example to do this in ctype, base on

import ctypes
from ctypes import wintypes

class LOGFONT(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [
    ('lfHeight', wintypes.LONG),
    ('lfWidth', wintypes.LONG),
    ('lfEscapement', wintypes.LONG),
    ('lfOrientation', wintypes.LONG),
    ('lfWeight', wintypes.LONG),
    ('lfItalic', wintypes.BYTE),
    ('lfUnderline', wintypes.BYTE),
    ('lfStrikeOut', wintypes.BYTE),
    ('lfCharSet', wintypes.BYTE),
    ('lfOutPrecision', wintypes.BYTE),
    ('lfClipPrecision', wintypes.BYTE),
    ('lfQuality', wintypes.BYTE),
    ('lfPitchAndFamily', wintypes.BYTE),
    ('lfFaceName', ctypes.c_wchar*32)]

#we are not interested in NEWTEXTMETRIC parameter in FONTENUMPROC, use LPVOID instead
FONTENUMPROC = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, 
    ctypes.POINTER(LOGFONT), wintypes.LPVOID, wintypes.DWORD, wintypes.LPARAM)

fontlist = []
def font_enum(logfont, textmetricex, fonttype, param):
    str = logfont.contents.lfFaceName;
    if (any(str in s for s in fontlist) == False):
    return True

hdc = ctypes.windll.user32.GetDC(None)
ctypes.windll.gdi32.EnumFontFamiliesExW(hdc, None, FONTENUMPROC(font_enum), 0, 0)  
ctypes.windll.user32.ReleaseDC(None, hdc)
Answered By: Barmak Shemirani