How to change multiple columns' types in pyspark?


I am just studying pyspark. I want to change the column types like this:'double'),df.Time.cast('double'),

You can see that df is a data frame and I select 4 columns and change all of them to double. Because of using select, all other columns are ignored.

But, if df has hundreds of columns and I just need to change those 4 columns. I need to keep all the columns. So, how to do it?

Asked By: Feng Chen



for c in df.columns:
    # add condition for the cols to be type cast
    df=df.withColumn(c, df[c].cast('double'))
Answered By: Ranga Vure

Try this:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

df =[col(column).cast('double') for column in df.columns])
Answered By: ags29

Another way using selectExpr():

df1 = df.selectExpr("cast(Date as double) Date", 
    "cast(NetValueas string) NetValue")

Using withColumn():

from pyspark.sql.types import DoubleType, StringType

df1 = df.withColumn("Date", df["Date"].cast(DoubleType())) 
      .withColumn("NetValueas ", df["NetValueas"].cast(StringType()))

Check types documentation.

Answered By: Andres Mitre

I understand that you would like to have a non-for-loop answer that preserves the original set of columns whilst only updating a subset. The following should be the answer you were looking for:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

df =*(col(c).cast("double").alias(c) for c in subset),*[x for x in df.columns if x not in subset])

where subset is a list of the columnnames you would like to update.

Answered By: Abbaan Nassar