How to limit the permitted values that can be passed to a method parameter (Using Type Hinting to allow Static Code Analysis)


In Python 3, I want to limit the permitted values that are passed to this method:

my_request(protocol_type, url)

Using type hinting I can write:

my_request(protocol_type: str, url: str)

so the protocol and url are limited to strings, but how can I validate that protocol_type accepts only limited set of values, e.g. 'http' and 'https'?

Asked By: RaamEE



I guess you can use decorators, I have a similar situation but I wanted to validate the parameter types:

def accepts(*types):
    Enforce parameter types for function
    Modified from
    :param types: int, (int,float), if False, None or [] will be skipped
    def check_accepts(f):
        def new_f(*args, **kwds):
            for (a, t) in zip(args, types):
                if t:
                    assert isinstance(a, t), 
                           "arg %r does not match %s" % (a, t)
            return f(*args, **kwds)
        new_f.func_name = f.__name__
        return new_f
    return check_accepts

And then use as:

def calculate_price(monthly_item_price):

You can modify my decorator to achieve what you want.

Answered By: James Lin

Use an if statement that raises an exception if protocol_type isn’t in a list of allowed values :

allowed_protocols = ['http', 'https']
if protocol_type not in allowed_protocols:
    raise ValueError()
Answered By: MaximGi

You can just check if the input is correct in the function:

def my_request(protocol_type: str, url: str):
    if protocol_type in ('http', 'https'):
        # Do x
        return 'Invalid Input'  # or raise an error
Answered By: Alec

One way is to write code in the method to validate that the value passed in is ‘http’ or ‘https’, something in the lines of:

if (protocol_type == 'http') or (protocol_type == 'https'):
  Do Something
  Throw an exception

Which will work fine during runtime, but doesn’t provide an indication of a problem while writing the code.

This is why I prefer using Enum and the type-hinting mechanism that Pycharm and mypy implement.

For the code example below you will get a warning in Pycharm from its code-inspection, see attached screenshot.
The screenshot shows that if you enter a value that is not enum you will get the “Expected Type:…” warning.


"""Test of ENUM"""

from enum import Enum

class ProtocolEnum(Enum):
    ENUM to hold the allowed values for protocol
    HTTP: str = 'http'
    HTTPS: str = 'https'

def try_protocol_enum(protocol: ProtocolEnum) -> None:
    Test of ProtocolEnum
    :rtype: None
    :param protocol: a ProtocolEnum value allows for HTTP or HTTPS only




<enum 'ProtocolEnum'>

Warnings issued by Pycharm Static Code Analysis - Code Inspection

Answered By: RaamEE

Why not use a Literal for the method argument?

def my_request(protocol_type: Literal["http","https"], url: str):
Answered By: user1451104