
Index Enumeration doesn't seem to be operating properly. Where am I messing up?

Index Enumeration doesn't seem to be operating properly. Where am I messing up? Question: I’m trying to figure out how to enumerate an index properly into specified cells on an Excel spreadsheet using Python. Following a tutorial video, I thought I had it figured out, but it doesn’t seem to be pulling each index value …

Total answers: 1

protobuf MessageToJson removes fields with value 0

protobuf MessageToJson removes fields with value 0 Question: I’m writing a Python script that receives protobufs, converts them to json objects, and pushes them to another service. I use json.loads(MessageToJson(protobuf)) to convert the protobuf to a python dictionary object. Later I convert it back to json with json.dumps(dictionary). I have a proto with an optional …

Total answers: 3

Get enumeration name by value

Get enumeration name by value Question: Are there any standard methods to get Enumeration names by value? An example: class Example(enum.Enum): one = 1 two = 2 ex_variable = 1 Given ex_variable, can I obtain the string contained in Example.one.name? Asked By: Jiloc || Source Answers: >>> Example(1).name ‘one’ also see the Python docs. Answered …

Total answers: 2