AWS Lambda: Unable to import module 'python_handler': No module named '_cffi_backend'


I’m creating a AWS Lambda function when I need to read an info on an API, create a CSV file, and upload them on a SFTP server.

I’ve installed paramiko on my venv, using Ubuntu on Windows, and the cffi module comes like a dependency, but when the code runs, I receive this error:

  "errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'python_handler': No module named '_cffi_backend'",
  "errorType": "Runtime.ImportModuleError"

Follow my code:

import paramiko
import requests
from random import randrange
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # Lambda function
    addZero = lambda x : '0' + str(x) if x < 10 else str(x)

    # Actual datetime
    ac_yr = datetime.utcnow().year
    ac_mo = datetime.utcnow().month
    ac_da = datetime.utcnow().day
    ac_hh = datetime.utcnow().hour
    ac_mi = datetime.utcnow().minute
    ac_se = datetime.utcnow().second

    # 24 hours ago
    ag_yr = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=24)).year
    ag_mo = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=24)).month
    ag_da = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=24)).day
    ag_hh = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=24)).hour
    ag_mi = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=24)).minute
    ag_se = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=24)).second

    # API Infos
    api_key = 'XYZ'
    page_id = 'XYZ'

    # Call API
    param = {
        'sort_order': 'asc',
        'from': '{}-{}-{}T{}:{}:{}.000Z'.format(ag_yr, addZero(ag_mo), addZero(ag_da), addZero(ag_hh), addZero(ag_mi), addZero(ag_se)),
        'to': '{}-{}-{}T{}:{}:{}.000Z'.format(ac_yr, addZero(ac_mo), addZero(ac_da), addZero(ac_hh), addZero(ac_mi), addZero(ac_se))
    r = requests.get('{}/leads'.format(page_id), auth=HTTPBasicAuth(api_key, 'pass'), params=param)

    # If connection it's ok
    if r.status_code == 200:
        # If has any result
        if len(r.json()['leads']) > 0:
            cont = ''
            for lead in r.json()['leads']:
                cont += lead['form_data']['cpf'][0] + ','
                cont += lead['form_data']['nome_completo'][0] + ','
                cont += lead['form_data']['email'][0]
            return 'Não há resultados no momento'
        return 'Falha na conexão'

    # Write a CSV file
    f = open('my_csv.csv','w')
    f.write('PAC_ID, PAC_NAME, PAC_EMAILn')

    transport = paramiko.Transport(('host-info', 22))
    transport.connect(None, 'user-info', 'password-info', None)

    sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)

    return 'OK'

Any idea how I can solve this?

Asked By: Vitor Luis



This looks like a common problem with many binary packages.
I don’t have a generic solution yet, but what you really have to do is to move (symlink) the binary file from where it is really installed to the root of your package.

I usually solve this with post-install scripts for my Lambdas. The ones using paramiko run something like:

ln -s venv/MY_LAMBDA/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ MY_LAMBDA/
ln -s venv/MY_LAMBDA/lib/python3.6/site-packages/.libs_cffi_backend/ MY_LAMBDA/
ln -s venv/MY_LAMBDA/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nacl MY_LAMBDA/

You will have to identify the exact name of the libffi... file from your virtualenv. It might vary from the machine you compile the library on.

Answered By: Nikolay Grishchenko

Working on Ubuntu, I haven’t the success with pysftp or paramiko to Lambda.
So I created an EC2 instance (and after an VirtualBox with Amazon Linux 2) on my desktop and develop the same code, with the same libraries. And… that’s works…

Answered By: Vitor Luis

may be late, hopefully, will help someone in future. this answer is specific to “_cffi_backend…..”. One other thing that may help is to know how you installed python. if did using brew, you will need to create a virtual env using python. see here:

i did this in a linux environment without downloading the wheel files that are compatible with various linux distros and it worked

Answered By: valearner

The simplest solution is to use the lambci/lambda container as described here. I wrote about it in some detail here.

In a nutshell, some Python packages (e.g cffi) have OS level dependencies. Because the OS you’re packaging the code on is different to the one Lambda uses, the script fails to run.

Answered By: OzNetNerd

You can also get the error No module named '_cffi_backend' when the runtime version of your AWS Lambda function is different than the python version used to create your Lambda Layer.

I received this error when I set the runtime of my Lambda Function to Python 3.10, but I installed the dependencies for my Lambda Layer in an environment that was running Python 3.8.

Answered By: klabarge

Using serverless cli with serverless-python-requirements plugin, if you change the AWS Lambda python runtime version and publish, the plugin will use the same pip download cache which was using the old python version. (This cache is outside your git repo, so git clean doesn’t help either.)

That would resulting in having in your lambda, even though you expect to use cpython-311.

The fix is to run serverless requirements cleanCache to delete the pip download cache.

Answered By: Carl Walsh

Ran into the same issue while creating a layer for snowflake-python-connector for arm64 using amazonlinux docker container.

About the snowflake-python-connector issue in case it helps someone – packaging the layer using docker on x86 arch gives the following error

{ "errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'lambda_function': /opt/python/lib/python3.9/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", "errorType": "Runtime.ImportModuleError", "requestId": "07fc4b23-21c2-44e8-a6cd-7b918b84b9f9", "stackTrace": [] } 

And using arm64 throws the following error

File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/cffi/", line 56, in __init__
    import _cffi_backend as backend
ImportError: No module named _cffi_backend

Creating the layer as mentioned in the link shared by OzNetNerd under the accepted solution comments worked for me. Posting the link here –

Answered By: gkaur
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