Chromedriver only supports characters in the BMP error while sending Emoji with ChromeDriver Chrome using Selenium Python to Tkinter's label() textbox


I am automating whatsapp messages and would like to send them out through a tkinter window. In this tkinter window I have created a message box with the help of .label() and I am able to connect to whatsapp web through selenium.

Currently, I am able to send out messages already, but without emojis. When I include emojis, I get this error “Chromedriver only supports characters in the BMP”. How can I include emojis?

Asked By: Malcolm Leck



This error message…

selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: ChromeDriver only supports characters in the BMP

…implies that the ChromeDriver was unable to send the emoji signal through send_keys() method.

ChromeDriver only supports characters in the BMP is a known issue with Chromium team as ChromeDriver still doesn’t support characters with a Unicode after FFFF. Hence it is impossible to send any character beyond FFFF via ChromeDriver. As a result any attempt to send SMP characters (e.g. CJK, Emojis, Symbols, etc) raises the error.


A potential alternative would be to use GeckoDriver / Firefox.

  • Code Block:

      from selenium import webdriver
      from import WebDriverWait
      from import By
      from import expected_conditions as EC
      driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=r'C:UtilityBrowserDriversgeckodriver.exe')
      # Chineese Character
      WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.NAME, "q"))).send_keys(" ")
      # Emoji Character
      WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.NAME, "q"))).send_keys(" ")
  • Browser Snapshot:


You can find a relevant discussion in OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException: ‘unknown error: ChromeDriver only supports characters in the BMP while sending an emoji through C# Selenium


A few links:

Answered By: undetected Selenium

For those who wants to send emojis on Chrome


    async sendKeysWithEmojis(element, text) {
        const script = `var elm = arguments[0],
        txt = arguments[1];elm.value += txt;
        elm.dispatchEvent(new Event('keydown', {bubbles: true}));
        elm.dispatchEvent(new Event('keypress', {bubbles: true}));
        elm.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', {bubbles: true}));
        elm.dispatchEvent(new Event('keyup', {bubbles: true}));`;
        await this.driver.executeScript(script, element, text);

Call it like so

const element = await this.driver.findElement(selector);
await sendKeysWithEmojis(element, '  This one shall pass  ');

What is happening here?
We are emulating native key presses using events

Notice that the {bubbles: true} is optional (Was needed in my case due to a complex wrapped input)

Answered By: Gal Bracha

It works for me:

from selenium import webdriver

  var elm = arguments[0], txt = arguments[1];
  elm.value += txt;
  elm.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));

browser = webdriver.Chrome('C:\Python37\chromedriver.exe')
elem = browser.find_element_by_name('q')

text = "    " + u'u2764'

browser.execute_script(JS_ADD_TEXT_TO_INPUT, elem, text)

enter image description here

Answered By: Jackssn

Here is how I fixed this using VBA and ChromeDriver in Excel SeleniumBasic:

objIE.ExecuteScript "arguments[0].value = arguments[1]", Array(objIE.FindElementById("sqlvalue1"), Sheets("SheetName").Range("A1").Value)

This avoids using SendKeys which is what errors when it is run with this error message.

Answered By: Cody

there was an open bug on chrome driver website, the bug as been fixed this month (14.11.21)

this is the bug report.

how to use new chrome driver:

first go to:

download the chrome driver from there.(the first mark as showen in image).

then you will need to install the new chrome v98 using the mini_installer.exe

(pay attantion its all expermintal),

without this you could not use the new driver due to version compitity.

next i needed to delete the current chrome version to make this work good.
enter image description here

your are all welcome to ask me question about it, i mange to make it work with the versions i add here on whatsapp using selenium chrome driver.

enter image description here
chrome versions 98 stable will come out in 30 days, so you could try to install the beta version and not the chromium version and see if it’s working.

you don’t have to delete the old chrome version, I know this thread is about python but in java (i guess python support it too) you could do this:

options.setBinary(System.getProperty("user.home") + "\AppData\Local\Chromium\Application\chrome.exe");

and it will set the path to the chromium version.

Answered By: Jeffrey

Copy & Paste it !!!
It was so easy to round on this issue by copying the text to the clipboard and then pasting it into the element.
pasting a text that contains emojis

import pyperclip
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
from import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

driver = webdriver.Chrome()
title = driver.title
assert title == "Google"


search_box = driver.find_element(by=By.NAME, value="q")

pyperclip.copy("Hi   This is a test message !  ")
act = ActionChains(driver)
Answered By: TheEngineer

You can use

js_code = """
  var elm = arguments[0], txt = arguments[1];
  elm.value += txt;
  elm.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));

your_text = 'this my text  '
element = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@data-testid="input"]')
driver.execute_script(js_code, element, your_text)
Answered By: Zahouani Mourad