I can't run a simple test in RIDE (ROBOT FRAMEWORK)


I was trying to run a test I wrote in RIDE IDE
I’m using SelenuimLibrary and i’m trying to open the Linkedin login page

Here is the code below

Library           Selenium2Library

*** Variables ***
${Username}       [email protected]
${Password}       wrongpass
${Browser}        Firefox
${SiteUrl}        http://www.linkedin.com
${DashboardTitle}    World’s Largest Professional Network | LinkedIn
${ExpectedWarningMessage}    Hmm, we don't recognize that email. Please try again.
${WarningMessage}    Login Failed!
${Delay}          5s

*** Test Cases ***
Login Should Fail With Unregistered Mail Adress
    Open LinkedinPage
    Check Title
    Enter User Name
    Enter Wrong Password
    Click Login
    sleep    ${Delay}
    Assert Warning Message
    [Teardown]    Close Browser

*** Keywords ***
Open LinkedinPage
    open browser    ${SiteUrl}    ${Browser}
    Maximize Browser Window

Enter User Name
    Input Text    id=login-email    ${Username}

Enter Wrong Password
    Input Text    id=login-password    ${Password}

Click Login
    Click Button    css=[name=submit]

Check Title
    Title Should be    ${DashboardTitle}

Assert Warning Message
    Element Text Should Be    id=session_key-login-error    ${ExpectedWarningMessage}    ${WarningMessage}

Here is the output I got when I hit run button with no feedback
enter image description here

Here is the full message:

*command: pybot.bat –argumentfile c:usersfarhatappdatalocaltempRIDEocku32.dargfile.txt –listener
“C:UsersFarhatDocumentsMy WorkspaceRobot”

Python version

Python 2.7.17 (v2.7.17:c2f86d86e6, Oct 19 2019, 21:01:17) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Asked By: user7781212



Command Pybot is deprecated and it’s removed from robot framework.Please try to use command Robot instead, So the solution is you need to update your RIDE because you’re using old version of it.

Find Latest Update RIDE

Answered By: Sidara KEO

Try opening the Ride from command line instead of opening from desktop, and run the test cases. It should work fine.

Answered By: Sai Nikhil Aureshi