
UI automation frameworks can't see the elements on windows desktop

UI automation frameworks can't see the elements on windows desktop Question: I have a problem with accessing elements from Desktop after cloning and starting a Virtual machine’s snapshot. While catching the VM in the mentioned state, using pywinauto leads to a tree that looks like this: Pane – ‘Program Manager’ (L0, T0, R1920, B1200) [‘Program …

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Error while I install the robotframework-retryfailed

Error while I install the robotframework-retryfailed Question: How can I fix and install Robot Framework. I run the command pip install robotframework and get this. C:Usersvengalam>pip install -U robotframework-retryfailed Collecting robotframework-retryfailed   Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by ‘ConnectTimeoutError(<pip._vendor.urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x0000020EE969F588>, ‘Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=15)’)’: /simple/robotframework-retryfailed/   …

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Python Error : Importing library : ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'InitProject'

Python Error : Importing library : ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'InitProject' Question: I am setting up a python project using RobotFramework and it is throwing No module named error even if I have added a Library entry in init.resource. Also, I created an empty in the folder in which the file exists so that …

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element not interactable on

element not interactable on Question: I’m doing a very simple test for an interview and I can’t click the "Start here" link, the error is element not interactable Here is the following code: Click Link xpath=//a[contains(text(),’Comece aqui.’)] Its a pretty straightforward element but still I cannot interact, inspecting the element I have: <a href=";;;openid.assoc_handle=brflex&amp;openid.mode=checkid_setup&amp;;;" …

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IF ELSE in robot framework [Keyword as a condition]

IF ELSE in robot framework [Keyword as a condition] Question: I just can’t figure out how to map a keyword as a condition. @keyword("Is the Closed Message Page Present") def check_closedMsg_page(self): result = self.CLOSED_TEXT.is_displayed self.LOG(f"It returns {self.CLOSED_TEXT.is_displayed}") return result The above function returns a bool value either True or False. "Is the Closed Message Page …

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Import Library failed but resource succeeded in Robotframework (SOLVED)

Import Library failed but resource succeeded in Robotframework (SOLVED) Question: SOLVED Generally I guess it is not any bug in coding but some errors with pylance or pyright. My code and directory are both correct, the problem is that, IDE(I tried both VS code and Pycharm) can’t find the path or modules. I installed Pylance, …

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Python function not failing and returning none

Python function not failing and returning none Question: I am writing robot test cases with python functions. I have a python function like this def ParseJSONUserData(jsonstring): if len(jsonstring) == 0: print("String is empty. No processing is possible.") json_dict = json.loads(jsonstring) if len(json_dict) == 0: print("No data found in file.") currentdt = json_dict[CURRENTDATETIME] if len(currentdt) == …

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Docker : exec /usr/bin/sh: exec format error

Docker : exec /usr/bin/sh: exec format error Question: Hi guys need some help. I created a custom docker image and push it to docker hub but when I run it in CI/CD it gives me this error. exec /usr/bin/sh: exec format error Where : Dockerfile FROM ubuntu:20.04 RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y software-properties-common …

Total answers: 4

How to validate IP address using Robot Framework

How to validate IP address using Robot Framework Question: How to validate IP address using Robot Framework Example: Conditions: Number of characters String should not exceed 15 characters Allow only numeric characters Asked By: Abhishek K || Source Answers: you can use regex to validate the ips. import re def isValidIp(ip): pattern = "((d{1,3}).(d{1,3}).(d{1,3}).(d{1,3}))" …

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