
Open desktop application by command without using Sikuli Library – Robot Framework

Open desktop application by command without using Sikuli Library – Robot Framework Question: Folks, I searched the Sikuli library (Robot Framework), but I didn’t find what I needed. The documentation is Is there any way, via Robot Framework, Sikuli library (or some other) that I can open a desktop application other than by image? …

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standard libraries modules not found in robot framework on centos 7

standard libraries modules not found in robot framework on centos 7 Question: i am using Robot Framework 5.0.1.dev1 (Python 3.6.8 on linux(centos 7 ,,redhat ) on an vartuial machine i am facing the same issue same as standard libraries modules not found in robot framework on centos 7 when i right a sample robot script …

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Robot Framework-Locator not found-Ebay website

Robot Framework-Locator not found-Ebay website Question: I am trying to make a small robot framework with e bay website but every time I get locator not found in my Click Element, I have tried everything even Sleep and Wait until Element is visible. My code is this one. *** Settings *** Documentation Basic Search Functionality …

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IF ELSE Robotframework 4 – stuck in if condition

IF ELSE Robotframework 4 – stuck in if condition Question: I am building a practice test with Robotframework/Selenium. I am trying to incorporate and IF/Else statement (that got enabled in RF4), but I am running into a problem. I created the following keyword to set the variable value I want to use in my else …

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Check status code is 200 or 202 in robot framework

Check status code is 200 or 202 in robot framework Question: I have robot framework code which should check the status code is 200 or 202 if method is post so I am trying this code Run keyword if ‘${Method}’== ‘POST’ RequestsChecker.Check Response Status ${response} 202 || 200 or Run keyword if ‘${Method}’== ‘POST’ RequestsChecker.Check …

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I can't run a simple test in RIDE (ROBOT FRAMEWORK)

I can't run a simple test in RIDE (ROBOT FRAMEWORK) Question: I was trying to run a test I wrote in RIDE IDE I’m using SelenuimLibrary and i’m trying to open the Linkedin login page Here is the code below Library Selenium2Library *** Variables *** ${Username} [email protected] ${Password} wrongpass ${Browser} Firefox ${SiteUrl} ${DashboardTitle} World’s …

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Is it possible to go to python method definition from a robot framework keyword?

Is it possible to go to python method definition from a robot framework keyword? Question: I want to use the keyboard shortcut to go a python method from robot framework files. Is that possible? Robot framework keyword: Check something Given I have my scenario configured When I configure something Then Something else happens Library …

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'chromedriver' executable needs to be in PATH. Robot framework pycharm

'chromedriver' executable needs to be in PATH. Robot framework pycharm Question: I am new to Robot framework and I have followed all set up related steps from this link, however, I am getting some error which I am not able to identify. Anybody, please help. *** Settings *** Documentation Simple example using SeleniumLibrary. Library Selenium2Library …

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Unable to Run python script from Robot framework

Unable to Run python script from Robot framework Question: import json def getElementCount(jsonObj): data1 = json.dumps(jsonObj) item_dict = json.loads(data1) countElement=(item_dict[‘one’]) print len(countElement) return countElement Robot framework Library ** Test Cases *** [TC-001]-Registering a device with INVALID SUBSCRIBER name ${ResponseJson}= Customer Method API Call ${host} ${apivalue} ${value} = Call Method getElementCount ${ResponseJson} Description of …

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Robot Framework: How to know that variable is list, dictionary or regular

Robot Framework: How to know that variable is list, dictionary or regular Question: I need to process several types of data from one Keyword – which will call another necessary Keyword according to the defined data type. Using Evaluate type() is good for Lists and Dictionaries but fails when we have just a string without …

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