Open desktop application by command without using Sikuli Library – Robot Framework



I searched the Sikuli library (Robot Framework), but I didn’t find what I needed.
The documentation is

Is there any way, via Robot Framework, Sikuli library (or some other) that I can open a desktop application other than by image?
This would generate a lower cost in running the tests.


Thank you!

Asked By: estevaojd



To start an application – you can use Process library (built-in into Robot Framework). There are 3 different sort of keywords – Run Process and Start Process. See for more details.

However, you would still need some extra libraries (like Sikuli) to interact with given app.

Answered By: rasjani
*** Settings ***
Library     SikuliLibrary   mode=NEW

*** Variables ***
${APP_PATH}     C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe

*** Test Cases ***
TC 024971 Start Uninstall
    Start Sikuli Process
    Add Image Path      F:Images
    Open Application    ${APP_PATH}
Answered By: Alfredo Aguilera