OSError: [WinError 740] The requested operation requires elevation


I am having a simple code which has an image called “try.png” and I want to convert it from Image to Text using pytesseract but I am having some issues with the code.

import cv2
import pytesseract
img = cv2.imread('try.png')
img= cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

But it’s giving me an error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/user 1/PycharmProjects/JARVIS/try.py", line 6, in <module>
  File "C:Usersuser 1AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython38-32libsite-packagespytesseractpytesseract.py", line 356, in image_to_string
    return {
  File "C:Usersuser 1AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython38-32libsite-packagespytesseractpytesseract.py", line 359, in <lambda>
    Output.STRING: lambda: run_and_get_output(*args),
  File "C:Usersuser 1AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython38-32libsite-packagespytesseractpytesseract.py", line 270, in run_and_get_output
  File "C:Usersuser 1AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython38-32libsite-packagespytesseractpytesseract.py", line 241, in run_tesseract
    raise e
  File "C:Usersuser 1AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython38-32libsite-packagespytesseractpytesseract.py", line 238, in run_tesseract
    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args, **subprocess_args())
  File "C:Usersuser 1AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython38-32libsubprocess.py", line 854, in __init__
    self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
  File "C:Usersuser 1AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython38-32libsubprocess.py", line 1307, in _execute_child
    hp, ht, pid, tid = _winapi.CreateProcess(executable, args,
OSError: [WinError 740] The requested operation requires elevation

Process finished with exit code 1

Any idea on how to over come this error

Asked By: harsh jain



tesseract-ocr-setup-4.00.00dev.exe sounds like a setup exe and not the tesseract itself. Check if you have actually installed tesseract and if not launch the exe to install.

For Windows download the latest version from here:

If you still get OSError: [WinError 740] The requested operation requires elevation try changing the tesseract executable to run as admin: Right Click tesseract.exe -> Properties -> Compability -> Check Run this program as an administrator -> OK .

Answered By: K41F4r

I guess you have not installed tesseract on your system. Run tesseract-ocr-setup-4.00.00dev.exe to install it and make a note of the location where it is installed ($tesseractLocation)
If getting the same error while installing, try running it with admin access.
And Replace




This will resolve the issue. In the script, you have to mention the installation directory and not the setup file.

Answered By: Arslan

Try Uncheck "Run this program as an administrator"
Right Click tesseract.exe -> Properties -> Compability -> Uncheck Run this program as an administrator -> apply.

Answered By: Akshata

yeah to resolve that after installing you should click on the file you installed then it will install other requirements and you will chose the location to be stored.

Answered By: Agrey Kasebele