Collapse all totals in a pivot table in Google Sheets by Google Sheets API and Python


I created a pivot table in Google Sheets through the API in python.
But, I am unable to collapse rows with totals. I just can’t find a solution to do that. I am using batchUpdate function to create pivot table.

Is there any possibility?

google sheets example view

Here is the code I created to do the pivot table.

def create_pivot_table(self):
    spreadsheet = self.google_drive.SHEETS.spreadsheets()   
    #result = sheet.values().get(spreadsheetId=self.file_id, range='Sheet1!B1:B10').execute()
    requests = []
    # Change the spreadsheet's title.
    # [START sheets_pivot_tables]
        'updateCells': {
            'rows': {
                'values': [
                        'pivotTable': {
                            'source': {
                                'sheetId': self._get_sheet_id_by_name('Sheet1'),
                                'startRowIndex': 0,
                                'startColumnIndex': 0,
                            'rows': [
                                    'sourceColumnOffset': 8,
                                    'showTotals': True,
                                    'sortOrder': 'ASCENDING'
                                    'sourceColumnOffset': 1,
                                    'sortOrder': 'ASCENDING',
                                    'showTotals': True,
                            'values': [
                                    'summarizeFunction': 'SUM',
                                    'sourceColumnOffset': 16
                                    'summarizeFunction': 'SUM',
                                    'sourceColumnOffset': 17
                                    'summarizeFunction': 'SUM',
                                    'sourceColumnOffset': 18
                            'valueLayout': 'HORIZONTAL'
            'start': {
                'sheetId': self._get_sheet_id_by_name('PivotTable'),
                'rowIndex': 0,
                'columnIndex': 0
            'fields': 'pivotTable'

    body = {
        'requests': requests

    response = spreadsheet.batchUpdate(spreadsheetId=self.file_id, body=body).execute()
    return response
Asked By: tony421



Check for PivotGroupValueMetadata :

collapsed boolean

True if the data corresponding to the value is collapsed.

And check :

Collapses the column for each Region, with the exception of “West”,
hiding the Salesperson group for that region. This is done by setting
collapsed to true in the valueMetadata for that column in the Region
column group.

Answered By: Jonathan Delean