Python Sentiment Analysis given a dataset with Facebook Posts


I have a dataset containing raw facebook posts and comments. What I would like to do is to perform sentiment analysis with Python 3 (NTLK ?) in order to label each post and each comment against some categories (a sort of clustering in unsupervised mode). The problem is that I have no idea how to do something similar.

I accept suggestions
Thank you

Asked By: docdev



You can use vaderSentiment which is a python package to perform unsupervised English Sentiment Analysis using dictionary and rules. There is some example on their github. This option might be more effective than an unsupervised clustering.

Answered By: Antoine Dubuis

Can I ask where I downloaded this data, or is it possible to have a copy of this data? Because recently I also need such a user post data for analysis.

Answered By: user21630128