Huggingface Transformer – GPT2 resume training from saved checkpoint


Resuming the GPT2 finetuning, implemented from

Does GPT2 huggingface has a parameter to resume the training from the saved checkpoint, instead training again from the beginning? Suppose the python notebook crashes while training, the checkpoints will be saved, but when I train the model again still it starts the training from the beginning.

Source: here

finetuning code:

    --train_file source.txt 
    --output_dir gpt-finetuned 
    --per_device_train_batch_size 2 
    --save_steps 100 

From the above code, is a script provided by huggingface to finetune gpt2 to train with the customized dataset

Asked By: Woody



To resume training from checkpoint you use the --model_name_or_path parameter. So instead of giving the default gpt2 you direct this to your latest checkpoint folder.

So your command becomes:

    --train_file source.txt 
    --output_dir gpt-finetuned 
    --per_device_train_batch_size 2 
    --save_steps 100 
Answered By: StuckInPhDNoMore

In newer version of transformer you don’t need to provide model_name_or_path anymore check out here. for this you should remove --overwrite_output_dir and --model_name_or_path then the last checkpoint in the output_dir would be loaded and the training continues from that checkpoint.

NOTE1:you should give --tokenizer_name because in this way you haven’t provide model_name_or_path so the trainer doesn’t know how to load tokenizer.

NOTE2: put num_train_epochs as big as meaningful for you because as long as you can re-train with the same command from the last checkpoint no need to define --num_train_epochs=1 and no need to know what checkpoint the process is, like checkpoint-5000 here.

So you can ruin this command instead:

--train_file source.txt 
--output_dir gpt-finetuned 
--per_device_train_batch_size 2 
--save_steps 100 
Answered By: Hamid