
How to get token or code embedding using Codex API?

How to get token or code embedding using Codex API? Question: For a given code snippet, how to get embedding using the Codex API? import os import openai import config openai.api_key = config.OPENAI_API_KEY def runSomeCode(): response = openai.Completion.create( engine="code-davinci-001", prompt=""""n1. Get a reputable free news apin2. Make a request to the api for the latest …

Total answers: 2

Huggingface Transformer – GPT2 resume training from saved checkpoint

Huggingface Transformer – GPT2 resume training from saved checkpoint Question: Resuming the GPT2 finetuning, implemented from Does GPT2 huggingface has a parameter to resume the training from the saved checkpoint, instead training again from the beginning? Suppose the python notebook crashes while training, the checkpoints will be saved, but when I train the model …

Total answers: 2