Python 2.6 TreeMap/SortedDictionary?


Is there a built-in sorted dictionary implementation in Python 2.6, or are hashtables the only kind?


  • I’m asking about sorted dictionarys, not ordered dictionaries!
Asked By: user541686



I think the answer here is no.

There is a Treemap but it isn’t in the python standard library.

I think to those who don’t like my answer, may think it’s wrong due to a recent update. Please note this is for Python 2.6, not 2.7 or Python 3

Please add the correct answer if you still think it’s wrong, or unhelpful, or at least give a reason why you think it’s a bad answer.

Answered By: James Hurford

Built-in no, as a third party package you can check blist , here is the doc for sorteddict.

Answered By: mouad

If by build-in you mean provided with a standard python install, the answer is no.

If you mean at the same level of implementation as Python’s build-in dict then have a look at my C implementation of sorteddict and ordereddict:

Answered By: Anthon

I wrote a Python version of the Java TreeMap/TreeSet.

Source code and documentation can be accessed in this repo

You can install with pip install pytreemap.
Tested for Python >=3.5

Answered By: GavinPHR

How can I turn a python nested dictionary into a treemap structure that java can recognize

Answered By: svellsongur Y