Are pickle-able tuple-factories (with names) possible?


There are several questions about pickling namedtuples already, however none of the ones I found [1] [2] [3] [4] deals with the case of pickling a namedtuple that is bound on an object instance. Consider the following example

import pickle
from collections import namedtuple

class TupleSplitter:
    r"""Splits a tuple into namedtuple, given by the groups."""

    def __init__(self, groups: dict[str, list[int]]):
        self.groups = groups
        self.group_type = namedtuple("Groups", groups)  # <-- How to replace this?

    def __call__(self, x: tuple) -> tuple:
        return self.group_type(
            **{key: tuple(x[k] for k in group) for key, group in self.groups.items()}

encoder = TupleSplitter({"a": [0, 1, 2], "b": [2, 3, 4]})
encoder((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))

pickle.dumps(encoder)  # <-- PicklingError: attribute lookup Groups on __main__ failed

Question: Is it possible to have pickle-able tuple-factories with attribute names only known at runtime?

NOTE: I am not interested in any answers suggesting using a dictionary here, the return value MUST be a subclass of tuple!

NOTE: I am not interested in any answers proposing using a dill, cloudpickle or anything of the like. It must work with plain pickle!

Asked By: Hyperplane



You will probably need two custom picklers, one for the factory and one for the tuples themselves.

This seems to work, but there may be pitfalls. For example, before pickling TupleSplitter.group_type and the generated tuples’ types are the same; after pickling, they will be different (but equivalent) types. This can be "fixed" by maintaining a registry/cache for Groups, but that will have different behaviour in other cases (same type for different splitters with same group names).

If only the factory needs to be pickleable, it should be straightforward (just skip the _group_pickle and copyreg stuff).

import copyreg
import pickle
from collections import namedtuple

def _group_pickle(ntup):
    return (_group_unpickle, (ntup._fields, tuple(ntup)))
def _group_unpickle(groups, tup):
    return namedtuple("Group", groups)(*tup)

class TupleSplitter:
    r"""Splits a tuple into namedtuple, given by the groups."""
    def __init__(self, groups: dict[str, list[int]]):
        self.groups = groups
        self.group_type = namedtuple("Group", groups)
        copyreg.pickle(self.group_type, _group_pickle)

    def __call__(self, x: tuple) -> tuple:
        return self.group_type(
            **{key: tuple(x[k] for k in group) for key, group in self.groups.items()}

    def __reduce__(self):
        return (self._unpickle, (self.groups,))

    def _unpickle(groups):
        return TupleSplitter(groups)

encoder = TupleSplitter({"a": [0, 1, 2], "b": [2, 3, 4]})
encoder2 = TupleSplitter({"c": [0, 1, 2], "d": [2, 3, 4]})

print(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(encoder((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)))))
print(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(encoder))((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)))
print(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(encoder2((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)))))


Group(a=(1, 2, 3), b=(3, 4, 5))  # pickled tuple from encoder
Group(a=(1, 2, 3), b=(3, 4, 5))  # tuple from pickled encoder
Group(c=(1, 2, 3), d=(3, 4, 5))  # pickled tuple from encoder2
Answered By: Joachim Berdal Haga

I found an alternative solution, based on a comment made here

The idea is based on 2 tricks:

  1. Classes that are added to globals can always be pickled
  2. The pickle lookup is performed by __qualname__ and __name__ appears to be used as a fallback.

The second one allows us to hide a unique but ugly autogenerated classname.

import pickle
from collections import namedtuple

class TupleSplitter:
    r"""Splits a tuple into namedtuple, given by the groups."""

    def __init__(self, groups: dict[str, list[int]], *, name="Groups"):
        self.groups = groups
        self.tuple = namedtuple(name, groups)

        # create a unique identifier and store it in globals
        self.identifier = f"_{self.tuple.__name__}_{hash(self)}"
        self.tuple.__qualname__ = self.identifier

        if self.identifier in globals():
            raise RuntimeError(f"A class of name '{self.identifier}' exists!!")
        globals()[self.identifier] = self.tuple

    def __call__(self, x: tuple) -> tuple:
        return self.tuple(
            **{key: tuple(x[k] for k in group) for key, group in self.groups.items()}

    def __del__(self):
        """Delete the globals entry when the class instance is deleted."""
        identifier = self.tuple.__qualname__
        if identifier not in globals():
            raise RuntimeError(f"'{identifier}' was already purged!")
        del globals()[identifier]
        del self

encoder = TupleSplitter({"a": [0, 1], "b": [2]})
groups1 = encoder(("foo1", "bar1", "baz1"))
groups2 = encoder(("foo2", "bar2", "baz2"))
pickle1 = pickle.dumps(groups1)
pickle2 = pickle.dumps(groups2)
tuple1 = pickle.loads(pickle1)
tuple2 = pickle.loads(pickle2)
assert type(groups1) == type(groups2)
assert type(tuple1) == type(tuple2)
assert type(tuple1) == type(groups1)
assert tuple1 == groups1
Answered By: Hyperplane