How to write unit test ValidationError case in response by use


I have a model with a time validator raise ValidationError('End time cannot be earlier than start time')

So I want to write a unit test using with data invalid (from_time > to_time), and I expected ValidationError to appear in this test.

    raise ValidationError('End time cannot be earlier than start time')
django.core.exceptions.ValidationError: ['End time cannot be earlier than start time']
Asked By: Kev



you can take a look at the document example on how to write test case In your case it would be like so(notice that this is just an example, so modify to fit your case):

This is for validating from serializer/api of DRF:

import unittest
from django.test import Client
import datetime

class SimpleTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # Every test needs a client.
        self.client = Client()

    def test_invalid_date(self):
        # Issue a POST request.
        response =
                      'start_time': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 17), 
                      'end_time': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 15) #notice end_time smaller than start_time

        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)

        # Check that the rendered context json have error message.
        self.assertEqual(response.json()['key']['path']['to']['error']['message'], 'End time cannot be earlier than start time')

This is for validating from model validator(doc):

for example you have your model validator like so in your model:

def custom_validator(value):
    if value.end_time < value.start_time:
      raise ValidationError('End time cannot be earlier than start time')

Your unit test will be like this, use python assertRaisesRegex() to check for python ValidationError type:

import unittest
from django.test import Client
import datetime

class SimpleTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_invalid_date(self):
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValidationError, 'End time cannot be earlier than start time'):
             your_model = YourModel(
               start_time=datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 17), 
               end_time=datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 15) 
Answered By: Linh Nguyen

When using pytest-django your test would look as simple as this:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def test_error_when_to_time_before_from_time(db, admin_client):
    invalid_data = {
        "to_time": - timedelta(days=2),
    response ="<url-to-endpoint>", data=invalid_data)
    assert response.status_code == 400
    assert "End time cannot be earlier than start time" in response.content.decode()

Pytest-django gives you a logged in admin client and creates a temporary database depending on your current migrations for every test. After the test the changes are discarded again.

I also added "TEST_REQUEST_DEFAULT_FORMAT": "json", to the REST_FRAMEWORK dictionary in

Answered By: Hans Bambel