Too many requests –


I have an issue with the script that I run to share posts on Instagram. The script works fine on my machine but when I ran it on a VM with OS ubuntu 16.04-LTS, it throws an error with too many requests and the error is as follows:

enter image description here

I think the problem is with the network, but I don’t know how to fix it.

from instabot import Bot

bot = Bot()
bot.login(username = username, password = password)
bot.upload_photo('img', caption='caption')

Please let me know if you have any ideas on how I can fix this.

Thank you for your time.

Asked By: amd



It means you are sending too many request to the site.

I would suggest using a retry-strategy to try again after a given amount of time.

Answered By: bitflip

I found an answer that can help someone in the future:

After some research, I found that you should run cd /home/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/instabot/api and it should work for you. If not, find your own path using these two commands pip list -v and pip show. Hope this helps!

Edit the file then comment from lines 559 to 585 but try not to make a lot of requests to not be blocked.

Answered By: amd