
Deep Learning training slower on Google Cloud VM than Local PC

Deep Learning training slower on Google Cloud VM than Local PC Question: I am trying to train an LSTM neural network using Pytorch. On my own computer the process is quite slow due to the complexity of the model and size of the dataset. My initial thought was to move the training to a cloud …

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Problem installing django on a virtual machine with no access to

Problem installing django on a virtual machine with no access to Question: I developed a relatively simple site with Django and I need to deploy it on a Windows VM hosted on a PC on the local network. These are the requirements: requirements.txt asgiref==3.5.0 autopep8==1.6.0 Django==4.0.3 Pillow==9.0.1 pycodestyle==2.8.0 sqlparse==0.4.2 toml==0.10.2 tzdata==2022.1 Having no access …

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Too many requests –

Too many requests – Question: I have an issue with the script that I run to share posts on Instagram. The script works fine on my machine but when I ran it on a VM with OS ubuntu 16.04-LTS, it throws an error with too many requests and the error is as follows: I …

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Error Connecting virtual machine to oracle, using python (error DPY-4011)

Error Connecting virtual machine to oracle, using python (error DPY-4011) Question: I’m using the oracledb library to connect my python application to an oracle database. I can connect normally using python on my computer, but I have a virtual machine, running Ubuntu, which is using the same network as the computer, that cannot connect. here …

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how to upgrade python3.5 to python3.6 in Virtual Machine?

how to upgrade python3.5 to python3.6 in Virtual Machine? Question: I have a virtual machine (Azure): vm:~$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS Release: 16.04 Codename: xenial It is installed with Python 3.5.6, and I would like to upgrade it to 3.6 to be compatible with some …

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numpy asarray float32 works on Ubuntu but not Windows 7

numpy asarray float32 works on Ubuntu but not Windows 7 Question: I followed the instructions here Steps 1 and 2 have been checked. My Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2860QM CPU @ 2.50GHz CPU can support 64-bit and Intel virtalization tech and it is currently using virtualization tech according to my BIOS. Checking step 3: I’m on Ubuntu …

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