snowsql python load csv file to tempstorage using put


Using Python + Snowsql
Am trying to load a CSV file using PUT command to copy the local file(s) into the Snowflake staging area for the table.

file_path = 'file://XXXXX/YYYYYY/ZZZZZZ/TEST/Final.csv'.format(os.getcwd())
con.execute("PUT '{0}' @test_results".format(file_path))

The above command is not working so may be I have to load the data to snowflake stage and use Copy to Command to load to the table.

Question : How to identify the snowflake user stage name or the stage name where the files can be loaded before copying the same to Table in snowflake
I dont have an option to view the stage in Snowflake UI
enter image description here

Asked By: Avi



To list the stages created in your account you can use the command:

show stages in account;

To list the stages created in the selected database and schema you can run just:

show stages;

It is also possible to use the user stage ‘@~’

Answered By: aek

This code worked

Find existing state . From CMD run Show stages

file_path = ‘file://C:/Files_to_Load/Final.csv’.format(os.getcwd())
con.execute("PUT ‘{0}’ @TEST_STAGE".format(file_path))

Answered By: Avi