
Put/Post errors while trying to access it from through python. "Bad Request. The JSON payload should be inside a root property called

Put/Post errors while trying to access it from through python. "Bad Request. The JSON payload should be inside a root property called Question: I am trying to post/put to Sheety via Python: SHEETY_URL = "https://api.sheety.co/gfhgfhjfdghjgfjf/flightDeals/prices/5" header = { "Content-Type" : "application/json" } params_sheety = { "price": { "iataCode": "PLN" } } response_sheety = requests.put(url=SHEETY_URL, params=params_sheety, …

Total answers: 1

snowsql python load csv file to tempstorage using put

snowsql python load csv file to tempstorage using put Question: Using Python + Snowsql Am trying to load a CSV file using PUT command to copy the local file(s) into the Snowflake staging area for the table. file_path = ‘file://XXXXX/YYYYYY/ZZZZZZ/TEST/Final.csv’.format(os.getcwd()) con.execute("PUT ‘{0}’ @test_results".format(file_path)) The above command is not working so may be I have to …

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PUT request via postman works, but via python requests not

PUT request via postman works, but via python requests not Question: When I send PUT request via postman everything is ok, but when I copy code from postman to python I get this: {"code": 50035, "errors": {"_errors": [{"code": "CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID", "message": "Expected "Content-Type" header to be one of {‘application/json’}."}]}, "message": "Invalid Form Body"} the code: url …

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How do I use angularjs to send a http PUT Request using an id

How do I use angularjs to send a http PUT Request using an id Question: I have developed a Restful API in python that works with my database and table called groups. I have created script which allows me to GET & POST and I want to create script for PUT that will update a …

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HTTP PUT request in Python using JSON data

HTTP PUT request in Python using JSON data Question: I want to make PUT request in Python using JSON data as data = [{“$TestKey”: 4},{“$TestKey”: 5}] Is there any way to do this? import requests import json url = ‘http://localhost:6061/data/’ data = ‘[{“$key”: 8},{“$key”: 7}]’ headers = {“Content-Type”: “application/json”} response = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers) res …

Total answers: 2

Django Test Client Method Override Header

Django Test Client Method Override Header Question: I am trying to test my update method on my viewset. The viewset is a modelviewset taken from drf. To update i would need to send a put request. As this is not always supported there are 2 ways to tell the server i am making a put …

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How to specify python requests http put body?

How to specify python requests http put body? Question: I’m trying to rewrite some old python code with requests module. The purpose is to upload an attachment. The mail server requires the following specification : https://api.elasticemail.com/attachments/upload?username=yourusername&api_key=yourapikey&file=yourfilename Old code which works: h = httplib2.Http() resp, content = h.request(‘https://api.elasticemail.com/attachments/upload?username=omer&api_key=b01ad0ce&file=tmp.txt’, “PUT”, body=file(filepath).read(), headers={‘content-type’:’text/plain’} ) Didn’t find how to …

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Is there any way to do HTTP PUT in python

Is there any way to do HTTP PUT in python Question: I need to upload some data to a server using HTTP PUT in python. From my brief reading of the urllib2 docs, it only does HTTP POST. Is there any way to do an HTTP PUT in python? Asked By: Amandasaurus || Source Answers: …

Total answers: 14