Log everything from every module except one third party module


I have a main.py:

import logging, sys
    handlers=[logging.FileHandler("test.log"), logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)]
)  # log everything to file and stdout
logger = logging.getLogger("main")
logger.info("hello main!")

import thirdparty_module

import my_submodule1

which imports my_submodule1, my_submodule2my_submodule9 that log a few things in DEBUG:

import logging 
logger = logging.getLogger("my_submodule1")
logger.debug("my_submodule1 debug test")

and a third party module thirdparty_module.py which I don’t control, but that logs too many things in DEBUG:

import logging, time, threading
logger = logging.getLogger("thirdparty_module")

def foo():

def bar():
    while True:
        logger.debug(f"thirdparty_module {time.time()}")    # flood!!

Question: how to keep DEBUG logging "ON" for main.py, my_submodule1.py, …, my_submodule9.py, but avoid thirdparty to log anything in DEBUG?


Asked By: Basj



If the example is correct, then you can get thirdparty.logger. Logger objects have propagate attribute – this sets whether logs propagate to the upper loggers and their handlers. By default it’s set to True, just switch it to False:

# main.py
import thirdparty_module
thirdparty_module.logger.propagate = False

Quick test:

import logging

l1 = logging.getLogger()
l2 = logging.getLogger("test")

l2.debug("test") # this prints

l2.propagate = False
l2.debug("test") # this doesn't print
Answered By: h4z3
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