C programming recursion segmentation fault


I am trying to using with recursion function. But I got failed which is segmentation fault.

#include <stdio.h>

int factorial( int x );
int main(){

    return 0;


int factorial( int x ){
     return x* factorial(x-1);

I have seen the same code in Python and C programming does not give the same success. I’m wondering why and how can I get around this problem

Asked By: Paroz



The problem is that you didnĀ“t tell the factorial function when should it end.
Try instead

long factorial(int x) {  
     if (n == 0)  
        return 1;  
        return(x * factorial(x-1));  

Like this when it reaches the number 0 is gonna Stop and return the factorial from x.
This works because the factorial of a number n is given by:
n * n-1 * n-2 * … * 1. But you are traying to calculate it like n * n-1 * … * -inf

Answered By: StarLight

This is because there is no base condition defined in the factorial function to handle the value zero.

int factorial( int x ){

    if (x == 0)  
        return 1;  
        return x* factorial(x-1);