
uWSGI Segmentation Fault With Flask/Python App Behind Nginx After Running for ~24 hours

uWSGI Segmentation Fault With Flask/Python App Behind Nginx After Running for ~24 hours Question: Problem I have a Python/Flask app running in prod with uWSGI behind Nginx that deploys my personal projects via Docker. It works great for about 12-24 hours when it suddenly starts segfaulting. The app accepts requests and starts a Python thread …

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StableBaselines creating a model segmentation fault

StableBaselines creating a model segmentation fault Question: I am getting a segmentation fault when trying to create a stable_baselines3 PPO model on a CartPole-v1 OpenAI Gym environment. So far what I’ve tried is running a short example code on Python 3.10 as well as Python 3.9. I’m running the python script in a Conda environment. …

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How to catch SegFault in Python as exception?

How to catch SegFault in Python as exception? Question: Sometimes Python not only throws exception but also segfaults. Through many years of my experience with Python I saw many segfaults, half of them where inside binary modules (C libraries, i.e. .so/.pyd files), half of them where inside CPython binary itself. When segfault is issued then …

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C programming recursion segmentation fault

C programming recursion segmentation fault Question: I am trying to using with recursion function. But I got failed which is segmentation fault. #include <stdio.h> int factorial( int x ); int main(){ factorial(4); return 0; } int factorial( int x ){ return x* factorial(x-1); } I have seen the same code in Python and C programming …

Total answers: 2

Hello everybody,

Hello everybody, Question: I’m trying to write a program that should move an X in a defined frame. For this purpose, a while loop should start with a KeyPress and stop with a KeyReleases. I only found the multithreading or multiprocessing methods on the Internet to do that simultaneously. The multithreading itself works for a …

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pybind11 crashes (segmentation fault (core dumped)) while importing ONNX python module

pybind11 crashes (segmentation fault (core dumped)) while importing ONNX python module Question: I am using pybind11 in my C++ code. When I try to import onnx, my code crashes with Segmentation fault (core dumped). However, if I import onnxruntime, everything is well. Of course both onnx and onnxruntime are installed on my system via pip. …

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Process finished with exit code 139 (interrupted by signal 11: SIGSEGV)

Process finished with exit code 139 (interrupted by signal 11: SIGSEGV) Question: I’m trying to execute a Python script, but I am getting the following error: Process finished with exit code 139 (interrupted by signal 11: SIGSEGV) I’m using python 3.5.2 on a Linux Mint 18.1 Serena OS Can someone tell me why this happens, …

Total answers: 19

How to debug a Python segmentation fault?

How to debug a Python segmentation fault? Question: How can I debug a Python segmentation fault? We are trying to run our python code on SuSE 12.3. We get reproducible segmentation faults. The python code has been working on other platforms without segmentation faults, for years. We only code Python, no C extension …. What …

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