how to add a newline after each append in list


I have a list of tuples in rows which I need to append to another list and add a newline after each entry I tried everything I can think of but I cant seem to do it properly
here is the code:

niz = ["""
(5, 6, 4)
(90, 100, 13), (5, 8, 13), (9, 11, 13)
(9, 11, 5), (19, 20, 5), (30, 34, 5)
(9, 11, 4)
(22, 25, 13), (17, 19, 13)

list = []
    for n in niz:
    list = 'n'.join(list)

This is the closest I get:

(5, 6, 4)
(90, 100, 13), (5, 8, 13), (9, 11, 13)
(9, 11, 5), (19, 20, 5), (30, 34, 5)
(9, 11, 4)
(22, 25, 13), (17, 19, 13)

But I need it to be:

[(5, 6, 4),
 (90, 100, 13), (5, 8, 13), (9, 11, 13),
 (9, 11, 5), (19, 20, 5), (30, 34, 5),
 (9, 11, 4),
 (22, 25, 13), (17, 19, 13)]
Asked By: Wpa Poxcicle



Join using ",n" instead of just "n"and append the first "[" and last "]" characters

list = []
for n in niz:
list = '[' + ',n'.join(list) + ']'

Answered By: Sembei Norimaki

When you write

niz = ["""
(5, 6, 4)
(90, 100, 13), (5, 8, 13), (9, 11, 13)
(9, 11, 5), (19, 20, 5), (30, 34, 5)
(9, 11, 4)
(22, 25, 13), (17, 19, 13)

You are creating a list with a single string, and not a list of tuples. I would do something like this:

niz = ["[",(5, 6, 4), "n", (90, 100, 13), (5, 8, 13), (9, 11, 13), "n", (9, 11, 5), (19, 20, 5), (30, 34, 5), "n", (9, 11, 4), "n", (22, 25, 13), (17, 19, 13),"]"]

for item in niz:
   print(item, end=" ")
Answered By: Libra

Here is what I suggest:

nizz = niz[0].replace(')n(', '), (')
nizz = nizz.replace('), (', ')|(').replace('n', '')
result = [eval(i) for i in nizz.split('|')]

It gives you the list of all tuples

Answered By: Guillaume BEDOYA