How to solve for authentication error in Python


I am trying to authenticate the user while running a code in python, but running into an error, "422 Unprocessable Entity". The code is running fine without the authentication, but I am unable to pass request.

from typing import Union
import requests
import uvicorn
from auth import authenticate
from fastapi import FastAPI
import boto3
import json

app = FastAPI()

client = boto3.client('eks')

def test(request):
    token = authenticate(request)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(), host="", port=8000)

Code for authentication:

import jwt
from general.config import constants
from rest_framework.authentication import BaseAuthentication
from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException
from rest_framework.response import Response
jwtPrivateKey = constants.PRIVATE_KEY

def authenticate(request):

        auth_header_value = request.META.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", "")
        if auth_header_value:
            if len(auth_header_value.split(" ", 1)) == 2:
                authmeth, auth = request.META["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"].split(
                    " ", 1)

                if authmeth.lower() != "bearer" and authmeth.lower() != "basic":
                    raise TokenNotBearer()

                token_value = jwt.decode(
                    jwt=auth, key=jwtPrivateKey, algorithms=['HS256', ])
                return token_value

                raise TokenNotBearer()
            raise TokenNotProvided()
    except (TokenExpiredOrInvalid, jwt.DecodeError):
        raise TokenExpiredOrInvalid()

# when token is expired or invalid
class TokenExpiredOrInvalid(APIException):

# when token is not provided
class TokenNotProvided(APIException):

# when the token is not provided in the bearer
class TokenNotBearer(APIException):

How can I pass request in the api or how can I work with authentication passing request?

Asked By: Ritika



You need to mention Request on type annotation explicitly.

This is not related to type annotation. See another answer.

Try this,

from typing import Union
import requests
import uvicorn
from auth import authenticate
# fix here 
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
import boto3
import json

app = FastAPI()

client = boto3.client('eks')

# fix here
def test(request: Request):
    token = authenticate(request)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(), host="", port=8000)
Answered By: rumbarum

@Ritika You are authenticating FastApi with django-restframework. reqeuste are not same on both app.
Django get header from request instance, but Fastapi get header directly.

** Notice:
function param authorization should match your header name!
if your header Name is not Authorization, then fix it.

This may works,


from typing import Union
import requests
import uvicorn
from auth import authenticate
# fix here
from fastapi import FastAPI, Header
import boto3
import json

app = FastAPI()

client = boto3.client('eks')

# fix here
def test(authorization:str = Header(default=None)):
    token = authenticate(authorization)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(), host="", port=8000)


import jwt
from general.config import constants
from rest_framework.authentication import BaseAuthentication
from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException
from rest_framework.response import Response
jwtPrivateKey = constants.PRIVATE_KEY

def authenticate(auth_header_value):
        if auth_header_value is not None:
            if len(auth_header_value.split(" ", 1)) == 2:
                authmeth, auth = auth_header_value.split(
                    " ", 1)

                if authmeth.lower() != "bearer" and authmeth.lower() != "basic":
                    raise TokenNotBearer()

                token_value = jwt.decode(
                    jwt=auth, key=jwtPrivateKey, algorithms=['HS256', ])
                return token_value

                raise TokenNotBearer()
            raise TokenNotProvided()
    except (TokenExpiredOrInvalid, jwt.DecodeError):
        raise TokenExpiredOrInvalid()

# when token is expired or invalid
class TokenExpiredOrInvalid(APIException):

# when token is not provided
class TokenNotProvided(APIException):

# when the token is not provided in the bearer
class TokenNotBearer(APIException):
Answered By: rumbarum