How can we raise a HTTPError exception?


I want to raise an exception whenever i get data value as None. How can we achieve it without using custom exception?


def foo():
      <some code>
      return data

@store.route("/store", methods=["GET"])
def fun():
       data = foo()
       if not data:
           raise HTTPError()
    except HTTPError as he:
       return "Internal server error", 500

I tried above one, but its not working, appreciate your help

Asked By: DmUser



In Python, you can raise an HTTPError exception using the raise keyword and passing an instance of the HTTPError class. The HTTPError class is part of the urllib.error module, which is a submodule of the urllib module.

Here is an example of how you can raise an HTTPError exception:

Copy code
from urllib.error import HTTPError

# Code that may raise an HTTPError
raise HTTPError("HTTP Error occurred")

except HTTPError as e:
print("An HTTPError occurred:", e)
In this example, we’re importing the HTTPError class from the urllib.error module and then raising an instance of the HTTPError class inside a try-except block.

You can also raise an HTTPError by passing a status code and a message as arguments to the HTTPError class:

Copy code
raise HTTPError(404, "Not Found")
This will raise an exception with a status code of 404 and a message of "Not Found".

Please keep in mind that raising an exception should be used as a last resort and only when it is not possible to handle the error in any other way, such as by returning an error status code or message.

Answered By: Ram Sharma

I think sou can rais a http error as following:

from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError # or from urllib.error import HTTPError

def fooo():
   raise HTTPError()



Answered By: kaliiiiiiiii