Parallelize loop with "non-mapable" function in Python


I solve numerically integral equation on the time interval from 0 to Tmax with predefined step dT. I do it in the for loop:

list_of_values = []

for i in range(dT,Tmax+dT,dT):
   func_at_t= my_fancy_solver(func_at_t)

The function my_fancy_solver has one argument and inside it looks as follows:

def my_fancy_solver(func_at_prev_t):
    while True:
        # iterate in while loop until convergence will achieved
        # compute approx_error and func_at_new_t_approx
        if approx_error < 10**(-10):
            func_at_new_t = func_at_new_t_approx
    return func_at_new_t 

which means that this solver deals with function value at the previous moment of time func_at_prev_t and approximate a unknown value of function at next moment of time func_at_new_t. It happens in while-loop until desired accuracy will achieved, which is controlled by approx_error variable. It means that in line

func_at_t= my_fancy_solver(func_at_t)

(as I assume) I find function value at a given moment of time and then use it to find the next value.

I would like to understand how can I parallelize this computation. My confusion is that the function my_fancy_solver is not mappable, so I cannot represent it as map(my_fancy_solver, t) where t is a given time value. So, I do not understandt how can I perform parallelization with help of multiprocessing or joblib. Can anyone give some advice?

Asked By: Artem Alexandrov



Not sure you need a mapper at all to parallelize this. Of course, if needed, you can map it to a list of tuples corresponding to arguments, but mapping itself doesn’t seem to help here, correct me if I’m understanding you wrong.

For example, this loop can be parallelized like:

from joblib import Parallel, delayed
results = Parallel(n_jobs=2)(
    delayed(my_fancy_solver)(initial_condition, function_at_t)
    for i in range(dT, Tmax+dT, dT)


Of course, you can do the same with a regular loop

Answered By: Oleh Rybalchenko

Given your following answer comment, you may have a reduce-able function:

I use previosly found function_at_t in next iteration

Hence, consider functools.reduce which is one of the higher-order functions (map/reduce/filter), or itertools.accumulate to keep intermediate values in a list.

Because reduce and accumulate expect a method of two arguments, below uses a layered method to accumulate results and below assumes your function, my_fancy_solver, receives time as only required argument.

from functools import reduce
from itertools import accumulate


def my_fancy_process(accum_value, time): 
    return accum_value + my_fancy_solver(time)

final_single_value = reduce(
    my_fancy_process, iterable=range(dT, Tmax+dT, dT), initializer=0)

list_of_values = accumulate(
    range(dT, Tmax+dT, dT), func=my_fancy_process, initial=0

Search online for examples of how to parallelize reduce and accumulate calls.

Answered By: Parfait