Is there a better way to define multiple boolean variables?


I have multiple Boolean variables in my code and now they are defined like this:

self.paused, self.show_difficulty, self.resizable, self.high_score_saved, 
self.show_high_scores, self.show_game_modes = 
False, False, True, False, False, False

And I thought of refactoring the code like this to improve readability.

ui_options = {
    "paused": False,
    "show_difficulty": False,
    "resizable": False,
    "high_score_saved": False,
    "show_high_scores": False,
    "show_game_modes": False

Is there a better way to do it?

Asked By: Ake



To group values like this, I’d recommend using a dataclass over a dictionary. This means you can still have named attributes rather than needing to do string lookups. This will allow auto-completes and static analyzers to work with your code.

from dataclasses import dataclass

class UIOptions:
    paused: bool = False
    show_difficulty: bool = False
    resizable: bool = False
    high_score_saved: bool = False
    show_high_scores: bool = False
    show_game_modes: bool = False

ui_options = UIOptions()
Answered By: flakes
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