how i can avoid this :The username is not different from the current username


Hi how can I avoid reusing the same user?

I can’t find a solution to this. I have a list of 3 usernames but after he changes once he is unable to change to another one again.. Does anyone have a solution for this?

username_list = ['zRRrrwx2231221s', 'bzRRrrwx2231as', 'azRRrrwx2231s']

random_username = random.choice(username_list)
print('A randomly selected username is:', random_username)

with TelegramClient(StringSession(ses_string), api_id, api_hash) as client:
    while True:
            result = client(functions.channels.UpdateUsernameRequest(
               channel= 'zRRrrwx2231221s' ,
               username = random_username

telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.UsernameNotModifiedError: The username is not different from the current username (caused by UpdateUsernameRequest)

I just want it to switch between the three users regularly – I don’t care if one of them catches I’ll switch.. but it can’t run thanks to the helpers

Asked By: Oren Sabag



This random_username = random.choice(username_list) happens only once when you call it and is a variable. To make it possible to call it again you need a function like:

def rnd_username():
    random_username = random.choice(username_list)
    print('A randomly selected username is:', random_username)
    return random_username

Now instead of username = random_username you need to call username = rnd_username()

Answered By: Sn3nS

As I mentioned in comments, it’s always trying to pick the same username. But the error you’re getting appears to be if you "change" the username, but it’s the same as before.

If that’s the case, you have two options.

1: remember the username and just skip the change, so you don’t get the error. This has the added benefit of not attempting an api call that you know will fail.

import time
import random

username_list = ['zRRrrwx2231221s', 'bzRRrrwx2231as', 'azRRrrwx2231s']
previous_username = None
while True:
        random_username = random.choice(username_list)
        if random_username == previous_username:
            print('we decided to stick with the same username (do nothing)')
            print('changing username to', random_username)
            #result = client(functions.channels.UpdateUsernameRequest(
               #channel= 'zRRrrwx2231221s' ,
               #username = random_username

        previous_username = random_username
    except Exception as e:
        print(type(e), str(e))

2: just do it anyway, catch the exception, and then ignore it. Easier to ask forgiveness than permission programming. So add a handler for UsernameNotModifiedError.

while True:
    random_username = random.choice(username_list)
        result = client(functions.channels.UpdateUsernameRequest(
           channel= 'zRRrrwx2231221s' ,
           username = random_username
    except UsernameNotModifiedError:
Answered By: Kenny Ostrom