
how to send an image group with telethon in telegram in python

how to send an image group with telethon in telegram in python Question: hey I’m trying to send some images to a group in telegram using telethon to do it with my own account not a bot. but I have a little problem. it errors some how that I think some where I made a …

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With telethon is it possible to forward a message to a group topic?

With telethon is it possible to forward a message to a group topic? Question: There is nothing in the documentation about forwarding or sending messages to topic. I have tried using client.forward_messages but, since there’s nothing in the documentation about topics, I was left flailing and guessing what might work. E.g.: await client.send_message( destination__id, message, …

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Sign in via Telethon

Sign in via Telethon Question: I’ve written a script for my friend, which uses Telethon. There I sign in with the following line^ with TelegramClient(‘test’, API_ID, API_HASH) as client: Well, it actually works with my account and another one, that is not mine. However, my buddy can’t pass the auth. He doesn’t receive verification code, …

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Telethon send image with spoiler

Telethon send image with spoiler Question: How can I send image with spoiler in telethon? I use telethon-1.27.0. This is the code I’m using: client.send_message(user, file="/something.png") I tried to use has_spoiler=True but got an error message send_message() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘has_spoiler’ or ‘spoiler’ and etc. in sendmessage i found that parameter – Message …

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how to get chat folders? – telethon

how to get chat folders? – telethon Question: I’m trying to get the chat folders using telethon I’m not sure what to do and there’s nothing I found in the documentation. Can anyone help? Asked By: Shards-7 || Source Answers: Folders are called Filters in the full api, you can get them with GetDialogFilters req …

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Exchanging data between Python Telethon library and Node.js

Exchanging data between Python Telethon library and Node.js Question: I faced such a problem: in my small test app I have simple node.js (express) server and python script, which allows me to interact with Telegram API using Telethon library. In my scenario I have to provide my python script a phone number and a password. …

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Telethon async and await mess

Telethon async and await mess Question: Here is my code as follows: import time import telethon import asyncio # Enter your API ID and API hash here api_id = 13****** api_hash = ‘8ba0a***********************’ # Enter the name of the text file containing the messages message_file = ‘messages.txt’ async def main(): # Connect to the Telegram …

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Telthon client Get link/url for all Groups or channel

Telthon client Get link/url for all Groups or channel Question: Hello im try to find a solution to get for all groups i have in telgram app to save in one list If is group i can generate a link if is private channel can i generate join url i get group id name and …

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