Get data from .pickle


I have a model of Multinomial NB():

text_clf_NB = Pipeline([('vect', CountVectorizer()),
                      ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()),
                      ('clf', MultinomialNB()),
                      ]), Train_Y_NB)

I save it to .pickle

pickle.dump(text_clf_NB, open("NB_classification.pickle", "wb"))

In another case I load this model:

clf = pickle.load(open("NB_classification.pickle", "rb"))

Can you help me, please, how can I get sparse matrix of Train data? I mean I want to get values of Train_X_NB after TfidfTransformer from clf?

Asked By: Sija



try sth like this:

import pickle

# Load the model
clf = pickle.load(open("NB_classification.pickle", "rb"))

# Access the CountVectorizer and TfidfTransformer
count_vectorizer = clf.named_steps['vect']
tfidf_transformer = clf.named_steps['tfidf']

# Transform the training data
Train_X_counts = count_vectorizer.transform(Train_X_NB)
Train_X_tfidf = tfidf_transformer.transform(Train_X_counts)


If you want to save the transformed training data while fitting the model, you can do the following:

#Fit the model and save it:, Train_Y_NB)
pickle.dump(text_clf_NB, open("NB_classification.pickle", "wb"))

#Transform the training data and save it:
vect = text_clf_NB.named_steps['vect']
tfidf = text_clf_NB.named_steps['tfidf']

Train_X_counts = vect.transform(Train_X_NB)
Train_X_tfidf = tfidf.transform(Train_X_counts)

pickle.dump(Train_X_tfidf, open("Train_X_tfidf.pickle", "wb"))

Now, in your other case, you can load both the trained model and the transformed training data:

# Load the model
clf = pickle.load(open("NB_classification.pickle", "rb"))

# Load the transformed matrix
Train_X_tfidf = pickle.load(open("Train_X_tfidf.pickle", "rb"))

This way, you don’t need the original Train_X_NB data to get the transformed matrix in the other case.

Answered By: Obaskly