How to create a SSH tunnel using Python and Paramiko?


I need to create tunneling to read information from a database. I use Paramiko, but I have not worked with tunneling yet. Please provide an example of a simple code that creates and closes a tunnel.

Asked By: Ivan



I used paramiko for some project I had a year ago, here is the part of my code where I connected with another computer/server and executed a simple python file:

import paramiko

ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(hostname='...', username='...', password='...')
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('python')

stdin, stdout and sdterr contain the inputs/outputs of the command you executed.

From here, I think you can make the connection with the database.

Here is some good information about paramiko.

Answered By: juliomalegria

At work we usually create ssh tunnels forwarding ports. The way we do that is, by using the standard command ssh -L port:addr:port addr with subprocess running in a separate thread.
I found this useful link: with an example of doing port forwarding with paramiko.

Answered By: dario

I used sshtunnel for my projects. Example of the forwarding remote local MySQL port to the host local port:

pip install sshtunnel
python -m sshtunnel -U root -P password -L :3306 -R -p 2222 localhost
Answered By: pahaz

Even though this does not use paramiko, I believe it’s a very clean solution to implement (similar to @dario’s answer but without managing the thread in python).

There’s this little-mentioned feature in openssh client that allows us to control a ssh process through a unix socket, quoting man ssh:

-M      Places the ssh client into “master” mode for connection sharing.  Multiple -M options places ssh
         into “master” mode with confirmation required before slave connections are accepted.  Refer to the
         description of ControlMaster in ssh_config(5) for details.
-S ctl_path
         Specifies the location of a control socket for connection sharing, or the string “none” to disable
         connection sharing.  Refer to the description of ControlPath and ControlMaster in ssh_config(5)
         for details.

So you can start background process of ssh (with -Nf) and then check (or terminate) it with a another ssh call.

I use this in a project that requires a reverse tunnel to be established

from subprocess import call, STDOUT
import os
DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')

CONFIG = dict(

def start():
    return call(
            'ssh', CONFIG['SSH_SERVER'],
            '-Nfi', CONFIG['SSH_KEY'],
            '-MS', CONFIG['UNIX_SOCKET'],
            '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=%s' % CONFIG['KNOWN_HOSTS'],
            '-o', 'ExitOnForwardFailure=yes',
            '-p', str(CONFIG['SSH_PORT']),
            '-l', CONFIG['SSH_USER'],
            '-R', '%d:localhost:22' % CONFIG['REMOTE_PORT']
    ) == 0

def stop():
    return __control_ssh('exit') == 0

def status():
    return __control_ssh('check') == 0

def __control_ssh(command):
    return call(
        ['ssh', '-S', CONFIG['UNIX_SOCKET'], '-O', command, 'x'],

-o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes makes sure the ssh command will fail if the tunnel cannot be established, otherwise it will not exit.

Answered By: Filipe Pina

Might I suggest trying something like pyngrok to programmatically manage an ngrok tunnel for you? Full disclosure, I am the developer of it. SSH example here, but it’s as easy as installing pyngrok:

pip install pyngrok

and using it:

from pyngrok import ngrok

# <NgrokTunnel: "tcp://" -> "localhost:22">
ssh_tunnel = ngrok.connect(22, "tcp")
Answered By: alexdlaird

I am adding this solution for multiple hops on multiple ports:

I have this setup:
enter image description here
the goal is to access the database by calling my machine on port 33306. This isn’t possible because only gateway2 is allowed to speak to the database. We cant access gateway2 because only gateway1 is allowed to speak to it.

the following is the corresponding ssh .config file:

Host gateway1
    HostName gtw1_IP_address
    User gtw1_user
    IdentityFile "path_to_gtw1_ssh_key"
    IdentitiesOnly True

Host gateway2
    User gtw2_user
    Hostname gtw2_IP_address
    IdentityFile "path_to_gtw2_ssh_key"
    IdentitiesOnly True
    # mysql
    ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p switch-cede

this is how I reproduce it in python:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import config
import pandas as pd
import sshtunnel
from paramiko import SSHClient

with sshtunnel.open_tunnel(
    ssh_address_or_host=('gtw1_IP_address', 22),
    remote_bind_addresses=[('gtw2_IP_address', 22), ('gtw2_IP_address', 33306)],
    local_bind_addresses=[('', 22), ('', 33306)], #this line is optional
) as tunnel1: # tunnel1 is the tunnel between myMachine and gateway1 I believe
    print('Connection to tunnel1 ( OK...')
    with sshtunnel.open_tunnel(
        ssh_address_or_host=('localhost', tunnel1.local_bind_ports[0]),
        remote_bind_addresses=[('', 22),('', 3306)],
        local_bind_addresses=[('', 22), ('', 33306)],
    ) as tunnel2: # tunnel2 is the tunnel between gtw1 and gtw2 I believe
        print('Connection to tunnel2 ( OK...')
        db = create_engine(
        query = "SELECT * FROM randomTable LIMIT 10;"
        df = pd.read_sql(query, db)
# note that config is a file holding the credentials to connect to the database
Answered By: Yannick Pezeu
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