Control the number of subprocesses using to call external commands in python


I understand using subprocess is the preferred way of calling external command.

But what if I want to run several commands in parall, but limit the number of processes being spawned? What bothers me is that I can’t block the subprocesses. For example, if I call

subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=outputfile, stdout=outputfile)

Then the process will continue, without waiting for cmd to finish. Therefore, I can’t wrap it up in a worker of multiprocessing library.

For example, if I do:

def worker(cmd): 
    subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=outputfile, stdout=outputfile);

pool = Pool( processes = 10 );
results =[pool.apply_async(worker, [cmd]) for cmd in cmd_list];
ans = [res.get() for res in results];

then each worker will finish and return after spawning a subprocess. So I can’t really limit the number of processes generated by subprocess by using Pool.

What’s the proper way of limiting the number of subprocesses?

Asked By: CuriousMind



You can use if you want to wait for the command to complete. See pydoc subprocess for more information.

You could also call the Popen.wait method in your worker:

def worker(cmd): 
    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=outputfile, stdout=outputfile);

Because there seems to be some confusion about this answer, here’s a complete example:

import concurrent.futures
import multiprocessing
import random
import subprocess

def worker(workerid):
    print(f"start {workerid}")
    p = subprocess.Popen(["sleep", f"{random.randint(1,30)}"])
    print(f"stop {workerid}")
    return workerid

def main():
    tasks = []
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20) as pool:
        for i in range(20):
            tasks.append(pool.submit(worker, i))

        print("waiting for tasks...", flush=True)
        for task in concurrent.futures.as_completed(tasks):
            print(f"completed {task.result()}", flush=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":

If you run the above code, you will see that all of the worker processes start in parallel and that we are able to gather values as they are completed.

Answered By: larsks

You don’t need multiple Python processes or even threads to limit maximum number of parallel subprocesses:

from itertools import izip_longest
from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT

groups = [(Popen(cmd, stdout=outputfile, stderr=STDOUT)
          for cmd in commands)] * limit # itertools' grouper recipe
for processes in izip_longest(*groups): # run len(processes) == limit at a time
    for p in filter(None, processes):

See Iterate an iterator by chunks (of n) in Python?

If you’d like to limit both maximum and minimum number of parallel subprocesses, you could use a thread pool:

from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from subprocess import STDOUT, call

def run(cmd):
    return cmd, call(cmd, stdout=outputfile, stderr=STDOUT)

for cmd, rc in ThreadPool(limit).imap_unordered(run, commands):
    if rc != 0:
        print('{cmd} failed with exit status: {rc}'.format(**vars()))

As soon as any of limit subprocesses ends, a new subprocess is started to maintain limit number of subprocesses at all times.

Or using ThreadPoolExecutor:

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor # pip install futures
from subprocess import STDOUT, call

with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=limit) as executor:
    for cmd in commands:
        executor.submit(call, cmd, stdout=outputfile, stderr=STDOUT)

Here’s a simple thread pool implementation:

import subprocess
from threading import Thread

try: from queue import Queue
except ImportError:
    from Queue import Queue # Python 2.x

def worker(queue):
    for cmd in iter(queue.get, None):
        subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=outputfile, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

q = Queue()
threads = [Thread(target=worker, args=(q,)) for _ in range(limit)]
for t in threads: # start workers
    t.daemon = True

for cmd in commands:  # feed commands to threads

for _ in threads: q.put(None) # signal no more commands
for t in threads: t.join()    # wait for completion

To avoid premature exit, add exception handling.

If you want to capture subprocess’ output in a string, see Python: execute cat subprocess in parallel.

Answered By: jfs

My solution is to create a process list and set a maximum available length to it.

Each time before I append a new process into the list, I will check the list.


import subprocess
import time

max_num_process = 16
check_gap = .1 # sec

def check_processes(processes):
    # check & wait until available
    while True:
        if len(processes) < max_num_process:

        for process in processes:
            if process.poll() is not None:  # not running
    return processes

processes = []
for command in commands:
    processes = check_processes(processes)
    processes.append(subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True))
Answered By: Ryan Xing