
How to convert from world coordinates to camera coordinates

How to convert from world coordinates to camera coordinates Question: In the world coordinate system, there are objects with rotation values rx1,ry1,rz1 and position values px1,py1,pz1. Similarly, there is an camera in the world coordinate system with rotation values rx2,ry2,rz2 and position values px2,py2,pz2. What formula can be used to convert rx1,ry1,rz1,px1,py1,pz1 to the camera …

Total answers: 1

problem with backface culling on OpenGL python

problem with backface culling on OpenGL python Question: My goal is to render a .pmx 3D model using PyOpenGL on pygame. I’ve found pymeshio module that extracts vertices and normal vectors and etc. found an example code on it’s github repo that renders on tkinter. I changed the code to render on pygame instead, didn’t …

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Python: Creating AreaChart3D in a recursive way

Python: Creating AreaChart3D in a recursive way Question: My target is to create some AreaChart3D plots in an automatically way. Precisely, for example I have the following picture: This table is automatically outputed by a tool. I can have only one graph, maybe 2 graphs or even 100 graphs (does not matter so much), it …

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How to destroy a HARFANG object from a scene?

How to destroy a HARFANG object from a scene? Question: I would like to know how to destroy an object from a HARFANG scene? I’m using the Python HG API I tried calling hg.DestroyObject(Object) and scene.DestroyObject(Object) but both failled. Should I call the method differently or is my object referenced incorrectly (the object was created …

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highlight specific quadrant and label points with names

highlight specific quadrant and label points with names Question: I have a 3d scatterplot, with variables A,B,C. I want to highlight the quadrant of the plot where the points are higher than the average for A,B and C. Currently, I have a scatter plot with lines where the averages are for each variable. The red …

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How to add text on surfaces of cubes

How to add text on surfaces of cubes Question: How to add text on surfaces of cubes. I’m trying to solve 3d packing problem but i have problem visualization because if there were 1000 cubes, how to identify each of them.So i need to write number on surfaces(every surfaces if it is possible). output that …

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Correction Function to Balance Depth

Correction Function to Balance Depth Question: I have a depth image with a shape of 11 x 23, and I do want to balance the depth in all cells using the fact that the depth in the four corners is the same, the values are shown in the drawing here: My first idea was to …

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Pygame mouse position not precise enough to rotate the 3D scene

Pygame mouse position not precise enough to rotate the 3D scene Question: I need to rotate a 3D scene or a character using the mouse position: for example, if I move the mouse to the right, I want to turn to the right / the character should turn right. I’ve seen lots of games place …

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