
Making a layout that automaitcally has the correct spacing

Making a layout that automaitcally has the correct spacing Question: How do I create a layout object (BoxLayout, GridLayout etc…) where If I pass it x objects and the layout object has a height of y then it automatically assigns a space between objects so that they are all evenly spaced out. I tried to …

Total answers: 1

Why does Python fail at finding my Kivy id?

Why does Python fail at finding my Kivy id? Question: I am trying to dynamically create OneLineListItems on my main Screen, but the id is not recognized. I tried a lot, but I’m not coming to a solution. : class CustomDialogContent(MDGridLayout): pass class Content(BoxLayout): manager = ObjectProperty() nav_drw = ObjectProperty() pass class Demo(ScreenManager): pass …

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how to stop the countdown loop

how to stop the countdown loop Question: I am trying to create a countdown, how when it goes to 0 it will stop the loop and show a message import time countdown = 100 while True: display = " [ Countdown {:03d} ] ".format(countdown) print(display, end="r") time.sleep(2) countdown -= 1 Asked By: MThien || Source …

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Permission BLUETOOTH for Android 13 in kivy app

Permission BLUETOOTH for Android 13 in kivy app Question: I am a beginner Kivy user. I made an app that displays Arduino data on mobile via Bluetooth. I allow access in buildozer.spec as follows: android.permissions = BLUETOOTH_ADMIN,BLUETOOTH The app worked well ,but now it can’t run on my android. I get an error like below: …

Total answers: 2

Is it possible to make python code editor in android app with flutter?

Is it possible to make python code editor in android app with flutter? Question: I want to make python code editor in my android app that can excecute the code too. Is it possible to make it with flutter? How to do it? Asked By: Sera || Source Answers: Yes, it is possible to create …

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Android's NfcA to python's pyscard (smartcard)

Android's NfcA to python's pyscard (smartcard) Question: I am backwards-engineering an android application (written in java) into a python application, where nfc (apdu) commands are sent. (ISO 14443-3A, if that helps) The android applications makes use of the library and sends commands such as: import; NfcA nfca_tag; byte[] message; message = nfca_tag.transceive(new byte[]{48, …

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Android app crash with error Unknown admin

Android app crash with error Unknown admin Question: I’ve written a Kivy Python android app and created an .apk file using buildozer. After installing the app, when trying to open it – it crash. In the logs I see the following: 2022-12-28 14:08:57.318 1816-2097/? E/EnterpriseDeviceManagerService: isMdmAdminPresentInternal() : failed. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown admin: ComponentInfo{} at at …

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Receive data via bluetooth using python on android phone

Receive data via bluetooth using python on android phone Question: I have an ESP32 board which sends data via bluetooth. I can receive data on PC using this python code: from bluetooth import * import sys def input_and_send(): while True: data = input() if len(data) == 0: break sock.send(data) sock.send("n") def rx_and_echo(): sock.send("nsend anythingn") while …

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how to take screenshot in coordinates using adb

how to take screenshot in coordinates using adb Question: I am testing android adb to screen capture. Then I can take a full screen shot, now I want to capture the coordinates. I use the following command line: adb shell screencap -p -d 0 /sdcard/test.png With this command line, I captured the full screen. After …

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