
How to add further items to JSON in a loop

How to add further items to JSON in a loop Question: I am not sure on the on the loop part to add extra items to below JSON in json_data. I want to add 1 or 20 items before sending the request. Code json_data contains my JSON structure. json_data = { ‘data’: { ‘type’: ‘Delivery’, …

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How to Append Multiple Json objects into single consolidated Json output object

How to Append Multiple Json objects into single consolidated Json output object Question: I have two datasets as following and which are in Json format. Emp_DT = json.dumps({‘Employee_Details’: [j1]}, indent=2, sort_keys=True) Emp_HR = json.dumps({‘Employee_HR_Hierarchy’: [j2]}, indent=2, sort_keys=True) Now i want to combine these two to have a single Json output with Object name "Employee". Expected …

Total answers: 1

Why below code works when 2 conditions "==" but give empty list same code has 2 conditions "!="?

Why below code works when 2 conditions "==" but give empty list same code has 2 conditions "!="? Question: d1 = [{"name": "a", "author": "b", "read": False}, {"name": "c", "author": "b", "read": False}, {"name": "b", "author": "b", "read": False}] temp = [] for i in range(len(d1)): if d1[i][‘name’] != "a" and d1[i][‘author’] != "b": temp.append(d1[i]) …

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Having troubles appending inside a range loop

Having troubles appending inside a range loop Question: import random def In_Play(): return random.randint(0,100) def pitch(): return random.randint(0,100) first_pitch_result = [] second_pitch_result = [] third_pitch_result = [] forth_pitch_result = [] fifth_pitch_result = [] sixth_pitch_result = [] seventh_pitch_result = [] pa_result = [] for i in range(0, 1000): if pitch()<=43: Fpitch = "Count 1-0" elif pitch()>=59: …

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How to append a nested list?

How to append a nested list? Question: today I started studying Python and have a question. I want to append the list itself, for example a = [0, 1, 2] want to make [0, 1, 2, [0, 1, 2]] by using function .append a.append(a) gets result like [0, 1, 2, […]] Is it the correct …

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python appending does not work while using multiprocessing

python appending does not work while using multiprocessing Question: So the problem is that appending "e" to my list "ok = []" does not have an effect, but that is weird considering that, when doing print(e) just one line above ok.append(e), the value of "e" is printed out as it should. no need to understand …

Total answers: 2

Storing several location values from list into another list in python

Storing several location values from list into another list in python Question: I’m trying to get the location of all the letters of an input "text" from a list "alphabet". <- Thats the part I’m having trouble with. For some context: after those letters are stored, the list aplphabet will shift a given number of …

Total answers: 2