
KeyError Received unregistered task of type '' on celery while task is registered

KeyError Received unregistered task of type '' on celery while task is registered Question: I’m a bit new in celery configs. I have a task named myapp.tasks.my_task for example. I can see myapp.tasks.my_task in registered tasks of celery when I use celery inspect registered. doesn’t it mean that the task is successfully registered? why it …

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Received task in django celery beat, but not executed

Received task in django celery beat, but not executed Question: I’m using django with celery, celery beat, and redis to run periodic tasks. The problem I’m having is that tasks registered in celery are received but not executed. Also, the task stops in the middle even though I have not specified a stop setting. The …

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How to delete a record after a certain time of it's creation in Django?

How to delete a record after a certain time of it's creation in Django? Question: I am building an application that has a ‘Story Feature’ which is quite similar to Instagram’s story feature, So I want to delete a story after 24 hours of its creation. So if a story was created on 12:00 PM …

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Python Celery get task status

Python Celery get task status Question: Have this code and setup Celery with RabbitMQ Tasks get created and executed. I get task uuid,but somehow cannot check task statuses from flask_oidc import OpenIDConnect from flask import Flask, json, g, request from flask_cors import CORS from celery import Celery import os import time app = Flask(__name__) app.config.update({ …

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ImportError: cannot import name 'Celery'

ImportError: cannot import name 'Celery' Question: I’m trying to learn Celery i’m using Django 2.0 and celery 5.0.2 and my os is Ubuntu. This is my structure My project structure is: celery/ manage.py celery/ __init__.py cerely_app.py settings.py urls.py wsgi.py apps/ main/ __init__.py admin.py apps.py models.py task.py views.py test.py My configuration for cerely_app, based on documentation: …

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chain a Celery task that returns a list into a group in middle of chain

chain a Celery task that returns a list into a group in middle of chain Question: This question is the same as this one: How to chain a Celery task that returns a list into a group? except that I need this to happen in the middle of a chain, and the accepted solution only …

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(530, '5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. 135sm7372342lfb.28 – gsmtp',u'mail id)

(530, '5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. 135sm7372342lfb.28 – gsmtp',u'mail id) Question: I am trying to send mail using django, and I’m getting this error : (530, ‘5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. 135sm7372342lfb.28 – gsmtp’,u’mail id)****** Can someone help?. TIA Asked By: Preena John Prakash || Source Answers: Try adding EMAIL_USE_TLS = …

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Django: ImportError: cannot import name 'Celery' from 'celery'

Django: ImportError: cannot import name 'Celery' from 'celery' Question: So I’ve installed celery and got the file celery_tasks_settings.py in my project directory next to settings.py. This I got was a way to avoid conflicts with the package itself. I also did find -name ‘*celery*.pyc’ as a way to find any celery.pyc files that may have …

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How to implement progressbar with ajax for a long celery task

How to implement progressbar with ajax for a long celery task Question: How do I implement or check the progress of a celery task from ajax the display progress with a progress dialog… so user can initiate next operation on task completion. I am using python flask. Thank you Asked By: Peter Ewanfo || Source …

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How to get the status of celery broker and backend?

How to get the status of celery broker and backend? Question: Is there a clean way in celery for knowing whether its broker and/or the result backend are down or not? I am using celery with RabbitMQ broker and Redis backend. Currently, the easiest way I found is submitting a dummy task which would raise …

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