
Interacting through dicts, grabbing their values and transitioning to a panda df

Interacting through dicts, grabbing their values and transitioning to a panda df Question: I have a list of dicts [{a:’jeffrey’,b:’pineapple’,c:’apple’},{a:’epstein’,c:’banana’},{a:’didnt kill’},{a:’himself’,b:’jebus’}] What I want to do is transition those values to a pandas df. But as you can see a few dicts are lacking a few keys and therefore lacking values. So I took a …

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Python get num occurrences of elements in each of several lists

Python get num occurrences of elements in each of several lists Question: I have a 4 corpuses: C1 = [‘hello’,’good’,’good’,’desk’] C2 = [‘nice’,’good’,’desk’,’paper’] C3 = [‘red’,’blue’,’green’] C4 = [‘good’] I want to define a list of words, and for each – get the occurances per corpus. so if l= [‘good’,’blue’] I will get res_df = …

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Is there any faster alternative of collection.deque in Python

Is collection.deque the best implementation of constant length list in Python? Question: I want to limit the length of the list in python, when len(list) > limit, the first item will be removed, collection.deque can achieve it, however, will it be slower than: list_A = [2,4,6,8,11] length_limit = 5 while True: # do something to …

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How to find the most common name in 2 related lists

How to find the most common name in 2 related lists Question: I would like to seek help from the community.. I have 2 related lists here: names = [‘alan_grant’, ‘alan_grant’, ‘alan_grant’, ‘alan_grant’, ‘alan_grant’, ‘claire_dearing’, ‘claire_dearing’, ‘claire_dearing’, ‘claire_dearing’, ‘claire_dearing’, ‘ellie_sattler’, ‘ellie_sattler’, ‘ellie_sattler’, ‘ellie_sattler’, ‘ellie_sattler’, ‘ian_malcolm’, ‘ian_malcolm’, ‘ian_malcolm’, ‘ian_malcolm’, ‘ian_malcolm’, ‘john_hammond’, ‘john_hammond’, ‘john_hammond’, ‘john_hammond’, ‘john_hammond’, ‘owen_grady’, …

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ImportError: cannot import name 'Container' from 'collections'

ImportError: cannot import name 'Container' from 'collections' Question: My code is running fine in local, but crashes on Heroku. What can I do to fix it? Traceback (most recent call last) File "/app/", line 2, in <module> from flask import Flask, jsonify, request File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/", line 17, in <module> from werkzeug.exceptions import abort File "/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/werkzeug/", …

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cannot import name 'Mapping' from 'collections' on importing requests

cannot import name 'Mapping' from 'collections' on importing requests Question: Python Version: Python 3.10.4 PIP Version: pip 22.0.4 So I was trying to make a small project with sockets, I added a feature to upload files but whenever I import requests, it throws this error. Below is the code I ran. Traceback (most recent call …

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namedtuple._source not working in python 3.7

namedtuple._source not working in python 3.7 Question: I’ve tried with this code from collections import namedtuple t = namedtuple(‘t’, ‘a b c’) i = t(1,2,3) print(i._source, t._source) But when I run it it says that there is no attribute _source (for t and therefore also for i). Has it been eliminated since 3.6? Asked By: …

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How to peek front of deque without popping?

How to peek front of deque without popping? Question: I want to check a condition against the front of a queue before deciding whether or not to pop. How can I achieve this in python with collections.deque? list(my_deque)[0] seems ugly and poor for performance. Asked By: corinjg || Source Answers: TL;DR: assuming your deque is …

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