
How to generate a html file from a markdown inputfile through command line argument

How to generate a html file from a markdown inputfile through command line argument Question: From the below part of a code I would like to generate an output in .html format from a given .md file through command line arguments import os, argparse, import configparser, webbrowser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument(‘–display’, dest=’display’,action=’store_true’, help=’displays the …

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How to implement –version using python click?

How to implement –version using python click? Question: I want to implement mycommand –version using python click. I have something like this working but it feels kinda clunky., no_args_is_help=True) @click.pass_context @click.option(‘–version’, ‘version’) def cli(ctx, version): if version: ctx.echo(f'{sys.argv[0]} {__version__}’) ctx.exit() Asked By: wonton || Source Answers: As it turns out, click has a builtin …

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Using Boolean Flags in Python Click Library (command line arguments)

Using Boolean Flags in Python Click Library (command line arguments) Question: I’m trying to make a verbose flag for my Python program. Currently, I’m doing this: import click #global variable verboseFlag = False #parse arguments @click.command() @click.option(‘–verbose’, ‘-v’, is_flag=True, help=”Print more output.”) def log(verbose): global verboseFlag verboseFlag = True def main(): log() if verboseFlag: print(“Verbose …

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Python append to system arguments – bad practice?

Python append to system arguments – bad practice? Question: I’m parsing system arguments in my Python project using sys.argv. At some point i had to modify the script after having written the logic that parses system args. I added a line the basically appends a string to sys.argv so the logic that parses it won’t …

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How to use reserved keyword as the name of variable in python?

How to use reserved keyword as the name of variable in python? Question: I want to use reserved keyword “from” as the name of variable. I have it in my arguments parser: parser.add_argument(“–from”) args = parser.parse_args() print(args.from) but this isn’t working because “from” is reserved. It is important to have this variable name, I don’t …

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Call another click command from a click command

Call another click command from a click command Question: I want to use some useful functions as commands. For that I am testing the click library. I defined my three original functions then decorated as click.command: import click import os, sys @click.command() @click.argument(‘content’, required=False) @click.option(‘–to_stdout’, default=True) def add_name(content, to_stdout=False): if not content: content = ”.join(sys.stdin.readlines()) …

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Passing command line arguments to argv in jupyter/ipython notebook

Passing command line arguments to argv in jupyter/ipython notebook Question: I’m wondering if it’s possible to populate sys.argv (or some other structure) with command line arguments in a jupyter/ipython notebook, similar to how it’s done through a python script. For instance, if I were to run a python script as follows: python False Then …

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Passing IPython variables as arguments to bash commands

Passing IPython variables as arguments to bash commands Question: How do I execute a bash command from Ipython/Jupyter notebook passing the value of a python variable as an argument like in this example: py_var=”foo” !grep py_var bar.txt (obviously I want to grep for foo and not the literal string py_var) Asked By: Unni || Source …

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How should I use argcomplete in zsh?

How should I use argcomplete in zsh? Question: I’m using argcomplete to have Tab completion in Bash. argcomplete offers global completion for bash, but doesn’t for zsh. I would like to create a file ~/.zsh_completion, to contain the to be completed files. This file should generate autocompletion for those files when it’s sourced from ~/.zshrc. …

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Include more than one list of arguments with docopt

Include more than one list of arguments with docopt Question: I am using the docopt library. I couldn’t find out the way to accomplish the following requirement: The docstring is: """ aTXT tool Usage: aTXT <source>… [–ext <ext>…] Options: –ext message """ From the shell, I want to write something like this: atxt a b …

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