How to generate a html file from a markdown inputfile through command line argument


From the below part of a code I would like to generate an output in .html format from a given .md file through command line arguments

import os, argparse,
import configparser, webbrowser

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() 

parser.add_argument('--display', dest='display',action='store_true', help='displays the md file',default=None)
parser.add_argument('--inputmarkdown',type=argparse.FileType("r"),help='Provide the markdown file location')
parser.add_argument('--outputmarkdown', type = str, default = "./Output",help='Provide the output display file location')

args = parser.parse_args()

if args.display:
  ["pandoc", "--toc", "--standalone","--mathjax", "-t", "html", "--simple_tables", "args.inputmarkdown", "-o", "args.outputmarkdown", "--metadata", "pagetitle=test display"])
            url = "file://(args.outputmarkdown)"

Using the below command line arguments

python3 --display --inputmarkdown file/path/ --outputmarkdown /file/path/test/firsttest.html

The above doesn’t perform the task and I just have the webbrowser open with file:///
Can someone suggest where the issue is?

Asked By: newstudent



The problem is probably with the url string. You are not formatting it. And the variables in the subprocess call are quoted.

Try This

import os, argparse,
import webbrowser

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() 

parser.add_argument('--display', dest='display', action='store_true', help='displays the md file', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--inputmarkdown', help='Provide the markdown file location')
parser.add_argument('--outputmarkdown', default="./Output", help='Provide the output display file location')
parser.add_argument('--pagetitle', dest='pagetitle', default='test display')

args = parser.parse_args()

if args.display:["pandoc", "--toc", "--standalone", "--mathjax", "-t", "html", "--simple_tables", args.inputmarkdown, "-o", args.outputmarkdown, "--metadata", f"pagetitle={args.pagetitle}"])
    url = f"file://{args.outputmarkdown}",new=1,autoraise=True)
Answered By: Alexander