
mkdocs: how to attach a downloadable file

mkdocs: how to attach a downloadable file Question: I have a mkdocs project that resembles the following: project ├─mkdocs.yml ├─docs │ ├─ │ ├─ │ ├─static ├─file.ext ├─image.png I am trying to find a way to "attach" file1.ext to the build, for instance as a link in Any suggestions how to achieve that? Detail: …

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Markdown syntax highlighting a Bash command that calls a Python script

Markdown syntax highlighting a Bash command that calls a Python script Question: Syntax highlighting in Markdown for a Bash code block does not work when the line is one that calls a python script. It does however work for a standard Bash command such as "ls -s". python3 ls -l Does anyone know why …

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Streamlit Markdown

Streamlit Markdown Question: I am using markdown and try to color words like it says in the streamlit documentation but it won’t work, any can help me please ? import streamlit as st st.markdown("Text can be :blue[azul], but also :orange[laranja]. And of course it can be :red[red]. And :green[verde]. And look at this :violet[violeta]!") it …

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How can I toggle between Windows and Mac commands on MKDocs?

How can I toggle between Windows and Mac commands on MKDocs? Question: I am using material mkdocs for my external documentation for my users. I am wondering how can I achieve this effect of toggling between different operating system commands within the documentation? I got this screenshot from: Django Docs tutorial Asked By: AugustusCaesar || …

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How to make label in st.multiselect bigger/bolder

How to make label in st.multiselect bigger/bolder Question: I am looking to make the label of multiselect bigger / bolder, my code looks like this : choice_mode = st.multiselect("Chose Mode", [‘A’,’B’,’C’], default="*") I have tried adding this : st.markdown(".stTextInput > label {font-size:105%; font-weight:bold; color:blue;} ",unsafe_allow_html=True) #for all text-input label sections st.markdown(".stMultiSelect > label {font-size:105%; font-weight:bold; …

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adding language to markdown codeblock in bulk

adding language to markdown codeblock in bulk Question: My Problem is to add to every single block of code a language in my markdown files. I’ve hundreds of files in nested directories. The files have this form: “`language a “` Normal text “` b “` Normal text “` c “` Normal text “`language d “` …

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How to generate a html file from a markdown inputfile through command line argument

How to generate a html file from a markdown inputfile through command line argument Question: From the below part of a code I would like to generate an output in .html format from a given .md file through command line arguments import os, argparse, import configparser, webbrowser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument(‘–display’, dest=’display’,action=’store_true’, help=’displays the …

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How can remove markdown table alignment when I use pandas.to_markdown

How can remove markdown table alignment when I use pandas.to_markdown Question: Thank you for your consideration. Summarize the problem When I transfer talbe from excel to markdown I use pandas library. Copy table in excel to clipboard. Make a dataframe by pd.read_clipboard Make str(markdown table) by pd.to_markdown Str from pd.to_markdown alwasy applied alignment. But I …

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Converting Excel-Sheet to markdown table with breaks between multiple lines in a cell

Converting Excel-Sheet to markdown table with breaks between multiple lines in a cell Question: I am writing a python script that should take a excel spreadsheet and convert it to a markdown table. Currently my code looks like this: import pandas as pd import numpy as np df = pd.read_excel(‘TestMap1.xlsx’) md_table = df.to_markdown(index=False) print(md_table) Basically …

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Insert local image in the FastAPI automatic documentation

Insert local image in the FastAPI automatic documentation Question: Introduction FastAPI can autogenerate your documentation when you are using FastAPI to create an API. I am trying to insert an image in the description (markdown) of one of my endpoints, but I can’t do it when the image is located in the local hardrive. I …

Total answers: 2