
Convert markdown table to json with python

Convert markdown table to json with python Question: I am trying to figure out, what is the easiest way to convert some markdown table text into json using only python. For example, consider this as input string: | Some Title | Some Description | Some Number | |————|——————————|————-| | Dark Souls | This is a …

Total answers: 3

Load markdown file on a jupyter notebook cell

Load markdown file on a jupyter notebook cell Question: I know about the existance of the %load magic command but this will load the content of the file on the first run of the cell. If the file changes, the cell won’t be updated. Does anyone know if it is possible to avoid this …

Total answers: 1

Pandas: how to read from markdown string?

Pandas: how to read from markdown string? Question: I have a table on a git issue which has data about weekly workers. The table written with markdown, and is like: start | end | main | sub — | — | — | — 1/30 | 2/6 | Alice | Bob 2/6 | 2/13 | …

Total answers: 2

Slack Bot – Python slack send markdown messages

Slack Bot – Python slack send markdown messages Question: I’m trying to send markdown messages in slack using SlackBot but I’m unable to find the documentation, All I got is this: response = client.chat_postMessage( …: channel=’#testing-bot’, …: text=”Hello world! <@USerID> nn – a n-b” …: …: ) I want to send MArkdown MEssages, instead of …

Total answers: 2

can not render images in ipynb files on vscode

can not render images in ipynb files on vscode Question: i have installed vscode with official microsoft python package , every thing is ok except images rendering in markdown i tried the following codes for displaying images in markdown cell : <img src=”images/grad_summary.png” style=”width:600px;height:300px;”> alt ![title](images/grad_summary.png) but it is not working although it is working …

Total answers: 7

Force Sphinx to interpret Markdown in Python docstrings instead of reStructuredText

Force Sphinx to interpret Markdown in Python docstrings instead of reStructuredText Question: I’m using Sphinx to document a python project. I would like to use Markdown in my docstrings to format them. Even if I use the recommonmark extension, it only covers the .md files written manually, not the docstrings. I use autodoc, napoleon and …

Total answers: 4

Include my markdown README into Sphinx

Include my markdown README into Sphinx Question: I would like to include my project’s into my Sphinx documentation like in Can sphinx link to documents that are not located in directories below the root document? – which is that in the resulting Sphinx html documentation I click on a link in the table of …

Total answers: 7

Python docstrings to GitHub

Python docstrings to GitHub Question: How do I transcode Python documentation strings to a GitHub file? Even though it seems like something everyone does, I cannot seem to get a decent solution and I am assuming it should be easy, so it seems unlikely folks are going throw two converters… What I have …

Total answers: 5

How to include two pictures side by side in Markdown for IPython Notebook (Jupyter)?

How to include two pictures side by side in for IPython Notebook (Jupyter) Question: I am trying to insert two pictures side by side in one Markdown cell on a notebook. The way I do it was: <img src="pic/scan_concept.png" alt="Drawing" style="width: 250px;"/> in order to be able to size the included picture. Can anyone gives …

Total answers: 6

Programmatically convert pandas dataframe to markdown table

Programmatically convert pandas dataframe to markdown table Question: I have a Pandas Dataframe generated from a database, which has data with mixed encodings. For example: +—-+————————-+———-+————+————————————————+——————————————————–+————–+———————–+ | ID | path | language | date | longest_sentence | shortest_sentence | number_words | readability_consensus | +—-+————————-+———-+————+————————————————+——————————————————–+————–+———————–+ | 0 | data/Eng/Sagitarius.txt | Eng | 2015-09-17 | With administrative …

Total answers: 13