
Building a connection URL for mssql+pyodbc with sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL

Building a connection URL for mssql+pyodbc with sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL Question: The problem… I am trying to connect to a MSSql server via SQLAlchemy. Here is my code with fake credentials (not my real credentials obviously). The code… credentials = { ‘username’ : ‘SPOTTER_xyz_ACC’, ‘password’ : ‘123Goodbye2016!@#’, ‘host’ : ‘MARYLQLT01’, ‘database’ : ‘LRS_DUS’, ‘port’ : ‘1560’} connect_url …

Total answers: 1

Oracle connection string with at sign @ in pasword

Oracle connection string with at sign @ in pasword Question: I have a code that connect to oracle using connection string: conn = cx_Oracle.connect(‘username/password@server:port/services’) But the problem is my password contain @ character so it may become conn = cx_Oracle.connect(‘username/p@ssword@server:port/services’) it return DatabaseError: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified I use Django with …

Total answers: 5

Writing a connection string when password contains special characters

Writing a connection string when password contains special characters Question: I’m using SQLalchemy for a Python project, and I want to have a tidy connection string to access my database. So for example: engine = create_engine(‘postgresql://user:pass@host/database’) The problem is my password contains a sequence of special characters that get interpreted as delimiters when I try …

Total answers: 3