
Instagram Signup using python requests

Instagram Signup using python requests Question: I am trying to create a instagram account using python and requests, when i send the last request to confirm the account creation it return : {"account_created": false, "errors": {"ip": ["Lu2019adresse IP que vous utilisez a u00e9tu00e9 signalu00e9e comme un proxy ouvert. Si vous pensez quu2019il su2019agit du2019une erreur, …

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Trying to 'Accept cookies' by switching to different frame/window

Trying to 'Accept cookies' by switching to different frame/window Question: I am trying to write some python code which can click on ‘Alles accepteren’. The website is called: Because of my lack of knowledge, i don’t know how to find the frame python should focus on. I know that i should use: driver.switch_to.frame() Anyone …

Total answers: 3

How to programmatically generate new headers from URL?

How to programmatically generate new headers from URL? Question: I’m writing a script to pull financial data from a website everyday however the script stops working after a few hours because the cookies expire. I need to generate new headers (I think just the x-xsrf-token and cookies) each time I run the script (once a …

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selenium (in python) don't complete the page loading

selenium (in python) don't complete the page loading Question: I’m trying to scrap this site: and my cell on jupyter notebook don’t complete the loading. The page has a Cookies button to accept, but I can’t figure out how I can click on it. And I don’t know if this is the problem. import …

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How to keep logged in on a website using requests library (Python)?

How to keep logged in on a website using requests library (Python)? Question: I have a code that allowed me to web-scrap a website which requires to log in. I used to log in using Selenium, then get the cookies and put them into a requests.session() like this : #Install and use the last version …

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How to get the cookies from an HTTP request using FastAPI?

How to get the cookies from an HTTP request using FastAPI? Question: Is it possible to get the cookies when someone hits the API? I need to read the cookies for each request. @app.get("/") async def root(text: str, sessionKey: str = Header(None)): print(sessionKey) return {"message": text+" returned"} if __name__ == "__main__":"main:app", host="", port=5001 ,reload=True) …

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How to avoid Instagram login page everytime using Selenium and Python

How to avoid Instagram login page everytime using Selenium and Python Question: I am trying to make a selenium instagram script. My issue is I have to login my account every time. If I use my normal google chrome, only one time login is enough. It’s always stay logged in when ı open Chrome. But …

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How can I use Flask WTForms and CSRF without session cookie?

How can I use Flask WTForms and CSRF without session cookie? Question: I have a very simple app that has no user management or any Flask-Login auth needs. It has forms, WTForms. All I want to do is collect some data submitted by the form. I could technically disable CSRF validation but Flask WTForms really …

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How to send cookies with urllib

How to send cookies with urllib Question: I’m attempting to connect to a website that requires you to have a specific cookie to access it. For the sake of this question, we’ll call the cookie ‘required_cookie’ and the value ‘required_value’. This is my code: import urllib import http.cookiejar cj = http.cookiejar.CookieJar() opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) opener.addheaders …

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Cookies not saved in the browser

Cookies not saved in the browser Question: I am trying to set a cookie in my browser using a Python Flask backend however, when we call the set cookie function I am unable to observe the cookie being saved by the browser. The following is my current understanding about how this is supposed to work: …

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